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Your point of view:

"What movie do you want to watch?" I asked my little son. He sat down on the ground in front of the big shelf in our living room. We had a few dvd's of movies for kids and since it was the weekend my little boy was allowed to stay up longer than usual and watch a movie.

"What is this?" he asked. I turned around to him and saw him holding one of the Harry Potter movies in his small hands.

"That's not for you, you're too young to watch that yet!"

"But I'm not too young! I'm five already!" He said and held up his hand but showing only four fingers. I chuckled softly and kneeled down next to him.

"I know honey, but this movie is for mommy and daddy only. In a few years daddy will watch these with you, I promise!" I kissed his head and he searched for another movie. After a while he finally decided on a disney movie. He jumped onto the sofa excited and clapped his hands as I started the movie. I sat down next to him and threw a soft blanket over my legs and his small body. He cuddled into my arms and I softly stroked his brown curls while he was fully concentrated on the movie.

Halfway through the movie I felt him breathing calm and slow. He must have fallen asleep. I watched the little boy laying in my arms and smiled big. He looked so much like Shawn!

I focused my eyes back onto the screen and continued to watch the movie. I mean, who doesn't like disney movies? Two hours later the movie was already over since quite a while but I was still laying on the sofa watching some tv show. My son still laid there with me. After a while I felt my eyes getting heavy and I soon fell asleep.

The sound of a weird 'click' sound followed by a quick light woke me up. I heard some shuffling and slowly opened my eyes.

"I'm so sorry baby, I didn't want to wake you up! But you two looked so cute all cuddled up into the blanket! I just had to take a photo!" Shawn whispered.

"It's okay baby. What time is it?"

"Almost midnight. I'm sorry I couldn't make it home earlier. The meeting took way longer than expected." I nodded and now looked over at Shawn sitting on the sofa by my feet. His hand was placed on my leg and he slowly stroked over it, smiling. I let out a soft yawn and Shawn laughed.

"I think it's time for bed now!" he stated and I just nodded, yawning again. Shawn stood up and came over to me to lift up the sleeping boy in my arms.

"Come on little man, time for bed!" Shawn mumbled and picked him up in his arms. He woke up and placed his arms around Shawn's neck tiredly before falling asleep again. I watched my boys walking away and slowly sat up on the sofa. I turned off the tv and the small lamp next to me and slowly stood up, almost half asleep again.

"Come here baby!" Shawn suddenly stood in front of me again and before I knew it he had swooped me into his strong arms. I leaned my head against his shoulder as he made his way into our bedroom. He sat me down on the bed and quickly changed my hoodie against one of his shirts before laying me down. My eyes were already closed but I felt him pulling the covers over my body. Seconds later I felt the mattress dip down on his side and he laid down beside me. He pulled me into his arms and held me tight, kissing my head.

"I love you Y/n. Good night and sweet dreams!" I wasn't able to talk so I just pressed my lips against his chest and smiled before I drifted back to sleep again.

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