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I woke up to my boyfriend whispering “good morning“ in my ear while playing with my hair. I hummed, cuddling closer to him. He wrapped his strong arms around my body, pulling me closer to him. He placed a soft kiss on my head, letting his lips lingering there for a few seconds.

“Happy birthday princess!“ He said softly and I started smiling.

“Thank you babe!“ I finally opened my eyes and looked at the gorgeous boy next to me. I stared into his bright eyes, the smile never leaving my lips. I slowly leaned over to him, kissing his soft pink lips. He deepened the kiss, holding onto me and putting all his love for me into it. After our long, passionate kiss we slowly pulled away, breathless.

“What do you wanna do today?“ Shawn asked me.

“I don't know yet. But right now I just want to stay here with you and cuddle.“ I smiled shyly.

“I would love that!“ Shawn mumbled before he laid onto his back again, pulling me on top of him. I was now laying on his chest, my face in the crock of his neck as I breathed in his wonderful scent. I smiled and closed my eyes again, enjoying the feeling of him running his fingers through my hair. He softly hummed a melody while placing light kisses onto my neck every now and then. Before I knew it I was falling asleep again.

I woke up again an hour later, alone in bed. I frowned and sat up in the bed when the door opened. Shawn came in, a big smile on his face and a plate of muffins and fruits in his hands.

“I made you breakfast!“ he smiled and placed all the food next to me on the nightstand.

“Thank you so much!“ I smiled and grabbed a muffin. Shawn chuckled and sat down next to me, before taking a muffin for himself.

“Anything for you my love!“ he said and I smiled at him, my mouth full with food. We kept eating in a comfortable silence until we both finished our muffins.

“I love you!“ I whispered. My head was now resting on his shoulder and I held one of his big hands in my own, playing with his fingers.

“I love you too!“ he mumbled and interwined our hands before he pulled me closer to him and kissed my forehead.

Omg I'm honestly so in love with this imagine!😍❤

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now