Like Father Like Son

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Shawn's point of view:

I woke up due to a little body crawling onto the bed, laying down beside me.

"Daddy, wake up!" I opened one eye and spotted my little son sitting beside me, my wife Y/n still fast asleep on the other side. I groaned and turned around, wrapping my arms around Leo's little body. He giggled happily making a big smile to spread on my lips. I started peppering his whole face with loving kisses which made him giggle even more.

"Shawn?" Y/n mumbled sleepily beside me.

"Shh, go back to sleep honey!" I whispered and kissed her head quickly.

"Let's go get up buddy, Mommy needs her sleep right now!"

"Because of my baby brother?"

"Exactly!" I smiled at my wife's growing baby bump before sitting up in the comfortable bed. I helped Leo climb down from it then took his hand and led him out of the bedroom and down to the kitchen.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked as I got out a bowl and cereal for his breakfast.

"I don't know. What are you doing today, Daddy?"

"Well, I need to go to the studio to finish some new songs and after that I just wanted to spend some time with you and Mommy!" he nodded and seemed to be deep in thought while eating his cereals.

"Can I come with you?" he asked after a while. I remembered the times he came with me before and it was always the sweetest time. Having him there always brought so much joy to not only me but my whole team that was with me at the studio.

"Of course hunny!" I smiled and we both finished our cereals. Once our bowls were both finished I put them into the dishwasher and then turned around to my little boy again.

"Do you want to watch some TV while I go get ready?"

"No, I want to get ready with you. I want to be like you today!" my heart swelled at his loving words and I smiled big. From the day he was born everybody knew he was gonna be a Daddy's boy and I honestly couldn't be any happier about that. I loved this little guy more than anything else in my life.

"You know what, you're gonna go pick out your clothes for today while I'm gonna take a quick shower. Can you do that?" I crouched down in front of him so we were on the same eye level.

Leo nodded eagerly before speaking proudly, "I'm a big guy already!"

"I know you are!" I chuckled and kissed his hair before he ran away into his room and I went to take a shower.

Ten minutes later I walked into the bedroom, already dressed in some pants and a simple shirt. As soon as I stepped into the room my eyes land on my little family, cuddling on the bed. Y/n smiled at me tiredly, rubbing her stomach while Leo sat on the edge of the bed, trying to put on his socks.

"Good morning beautiful, how are you two feeling?" I kissed Y/n softly, making her close her eyes delightfully before she smiled back at me.

"Morning love. We're good, just a little tired!" I rubbed her belly softly and just looked at her for a moment. Her hair, that was in a bun was now a complete mess after the night. She had a soft smile on her lips and her tired eyes were shining bright as she looked at our son. She looked absolutely stunning. I still couldn't believe that I got to call her my wife and the mother of my children.



"You're staring again."

"Just because you're so beautiful." I simply said making her blush softly before I turned back to Leo.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now