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So I got asked to write something based on ruin, hope you like this❤️

I sat on my desk in my room, doing some homework, when my phone started ringing. I quickly looked at it, seeing my best friend Shawn calling me. I answered the call and leaned back on my chair.

"Hi Shawn!"

"Hi Y/n!"

My heart fluttered a little at the sound of his voice. I had a big crush on him but I couldn't tell him. He would never like me back in that way. He just started getting more and more famous with all his great songs and he could have any girl in the world. And besides that, I have a boyfriend. I really like him and he treats me well but he's not Shawn. I know it sounds so bad and I don't like to admit it but I'm mostly with him because I want to get over Shawn.

"Y/n? You there?" Shawn pulled me back into reality.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I was just finishing some homework" I lied.

"Oh, okay. Well I was thinking we could meet up again, you know, we didn't hang out in a while. Are you free today?"

"Yes of course! Maybe we can have a movie night?"

"Sounds good. I'll be at yours in a bit." With that we hung up.


15 minutes later I heard the doorbell ring so I headed downstairs, opening the door for Shawn. I smiled, hugging him tightly before pulling him inside. We got up to my room and just then I noticed he had his guitar with him.

"I wrote this one song the other day and would like to hear your opinion on it." He pointed at his guitar.

"I would love to hear it." I smiled.

He started playing some chords before he explained "you're the first one to hear this."

I smiled, blushing lightly. He started singing and I immediately focused on his stunning voice. I got so lost by looking at him that I didn't even realize what he was actually singing.

He looked up, staring direct into my eyes as he continued singing.
And I'm not tryna, ruin your happiness baby, but darling don't you know that I'm the only one, for ya...

I stared back into his eyes, seeing nothing but truth and love in them. Tears built in my eyes as I realized what he was trying to say. He finished his song and looked at me nervously.

"This is so beautiful." I cried out.

"You know, I wrote this song about you. I know you have a boyfriend and you seem happy with him but I had to finally tell you this!"

"Shawn stop! I need to tell you something. I'm just with him because I know I will never have a chance with you. I wanted to forget my feelings for you" I explained quietly.

"Why would you think that?"

"Because you can have any girl in the world, why would you choose me? And I thought you would just see me as a friend."

By now we sat close next to each other. He slowly leaned in but before his lips could touch mine I backed away.

"Wait! As much as I want this I don't want to be the girlfriend that cheats on her boyfriend!"

I stood up, grabbed my phone and run out of the room. I locked myself into the bathroom and called my boyfriend.

"Hey babe!" He said after he picked up the phone.

"Umm, hi"

"Everything okay?"

"I need to talk to you! I can't do this any longer. I can't be with you while I like someone else. You don't deserve that!"

"I knew this would come one day. I wish you the best with Shawn!"

"How did you-"

"Oh come on, everybody knows you like him. You're perfect for each other!"

"So you're not mad at me?"

"I could never."

"Thank you so much, you're the best!" I smiled

"I know, now go and get your man!" He chuckled.

"Okay, bye!" We hung up and I walked back to my room.

I was kinda sad about that break-up, I mean, break-ups are always bad. But at the same time I was so happy and excited to be with Shawn.
Shawn sat on my bed, looking up to me as I walked into the room.

"I'm sorry, I just waited so long for this and now-" I cut him off, pressing my lips softly onto his.

"I just broke up with mu boyfriend. He wishes us the best!" I smiled breathlessly. Shawn started smiling big before kissing me again, holding my face softly with his big, warm hands. At this moment, everything felt just right.

I got tickets for Shawn's tour next year, I'm so happy! Anyone else who's seeing him?😍

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