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Happy easter to y'all! ❤
Short imagine for you, I wrote that a while back and decided to post it, I know it's a little short, I'm sorry

It's late at night when you wake up because of a bad thunderstorm. You're always very scared about thunderstorms and you hate the sound of the thunder. Your best friend Shawn has always been with you to protect you from the thunderstorm because he know how much you hate them. You're thinking about texting him when you see that it's already 3 in the night. You think he's probably still sleeping but when you look at your phone you see a new message from Shawn. You open it and and read: "Y/n, there's a thunderstorm outside. Don't be afraid, I'm on my way. See you at yours in ten♡".
You start to smile and a few moments later you hear a knock on your window. You know it's Shawn so you jump out the bed to open the window. As soon as he is standing in your room, he pulls you in for a hug. Together you both cuddle under the covers in your bed and you place your head on his chest, while he lays his arms around you. While listening to his heart beating, you calm down and finally fall asleep, knowing you're safe in the strong arms of your best friend.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now