ashton williams always knew matthew musto was the one, but his fame as singer blackbear and addiction change everything. after ending their engagement, ashton tries to live a normal life and forget about her ex fiancé. when unfortunate circumstances...
It was a Wednesday three weeks later when Matthew returned home. The dog ran to greet him at the front door, and Mat entered with a smile. His cheeks were chubbier than they were when he entered the psych ward, and his skin had color once again. He looked happy and healthy, and I was so glad to have him home. I tried to remind myself not to get too excited, to remind myself that things never stayed perfect between Mat and I for long, but it was hard. I felt so blessed to be in his company, to know that he was my fiancé and that at least for the time being, he was healthy. Matthew and I began talking and catching up; it had been so difficult to only see each other once a week at the hospital. I was ranting on about wedding plans when Mat grabbed me by my wrists lightly to indicate that I should stop talking. "Can you make me something to eat?" I beemed, so full of love and pride that he wanted to eat. Matthew was looking and acting like himself, like the man I fell in love with so long ago, and I couldn't be happier. "Of course my love. Grilled cheese?" He nodded. "With tomato please." He sat at one of the barstools in the kitchen, watching me cook. "Ashton?" "Yes?" "I love you." I struggled to hide my smile, grabbing the cheese from the fridge. "I love you too." "I'm ready to choose a date for the wedding. Is May okay?" "You said May was too hot, remember?" He smiled and shook his head. "I was just mad and being difficult when I said that." I buttered the pan, listening to it sizzle as I looked over at him. "You're always difficult Matty." I joked, walking over and kissing him on the cheek. "Stop," he laughed, "I'm serious. What about May 5th?" "May 5th sounds perfect." He smiled, but it quickly faded and he looked me in the eyes with a serious tone as I placed his plate in front of him. "What's wrong babe?" "Nothing, I just...I'm not supposed to travel. You know I could get sick again at any moment, so we can't really go on a honeymoon." He sounded melancholy, as if he was disappointing me. I wrapped my arms around him and placed my head on his shoulder. "That's alright. Being with you, having you as my husband, that's enough." "It is?" "Yes, and it always will be." I sat next to him, admiring him as he ate. "This is all so crazy, I can't believe we're going to be married." He said, grabbing me by my hand. "I know, we need to start sending out invitations soon. This is all so exciting." "Yeah, how many people do you want to invite?" I shrugged. "I don't know, I haven't really thought about it." Mat took the last bite of his sandwich and pushed the plate away from him. "I was thinking maybe we could invite my dad." "Your dad?...You two don't really talk babe." Matthew had gotten back in contact with his father in the last few years, but they weren't close; I had never even met him. "I know, but this is my wedding; he deserves to be there." "Are you sure?" "I mean, I want to talk to my mom about it first, but I'd really like him there." I didn't think it was the best idea Matthew had ever had, but I didn't dare argue. "Okay, I'll add him to the invite list." He nodded, smiling slightly as if to say thank you. "May 5th is only a few weeks away. In a few weeks, you're gonna be my wife." "I know, after all we've been through, and all we're going to go through, I think we might just be okay."
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liked by bear, logic, and 1,295 others
ashwilliams: so happy to have my baby home & healthy🐻💗
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bear: ily wifey
user1: y'all are so cute, I'm in love with your love