ashton williams always knew matthew musto was the one, but his fame as singer blackbear and addiction change everything. after ending their engagement, ashton tries to live a normal life and forget about her ex fiancé. when unfortunate circumstances...
I was awoken by Matthew, who was wandering around our bedroom, shoving things into our carry on bags. He did so with an unnecessary force, and I could tell he was still annoyed from the night before. "Get up Ash, we have to leave in a half hour if you want to get Dunkin Donuts on the way to the airport." That was a tradition of ours, Mat traveled often for work and each time we had to take a flight, we got Dunkin Donuts beforehand. I don't even remember how it started anymore, but I knew his order by heart.
"I'm up." I forced myself out from under the warm blankets, my feet hitting the cold hardwood floor. I changed into a burgundy sweater with leggings and Adidas sneakers, a comfortable outfit for the plane ride but still one that would satisfy my picky mother. I got Mac's things together so we could drop him off to be boarded. I always felt guilty leaving him behind, but traveling with a dog was difficult, and my step dad was allergic. I applied minimal makeup and brushed my teeth and hair before picking up some bags and looking at Mat. He was wearing a black sweater with jeans, a green ring, and red Vans. I admired his outfit, smiling slightly. "What are you looking at?" He asked irritably, swinging a backpack over his shoulder and grabbing his duffle bag. "Nothing, you're just cute." "Don't you have a boyfriend you should be complimenting?" Matthew opened the bedroom door and walked down the stairs, not looking back to see if I was behind him.
The ride to the airport was quiet. I took Mac into the boarding place, insisting that Mat stay in the car. When we got to Dunkin Donuts, he ordered my usual, a bacon, egg, and cheese bagel and a french vanilla iced coffee, without hesitation. He was being petty, playing the music loud enough that I wouldn't try to talk to him and pouting. I felt guilty, but also annoyed that he was being such a child. Matthew can't act this way every time I spend time with Zac. Zac is my boyfriend, and Mat has no authority over what I do.
We arrived at the airport with plenty of time to spare, and boarded the plane. Mat stood on his toes to put our carry on bags above our heads, and I pulled out a magazine. Once we had taken off, a young, attractive bartender walked up and offered us something to drink. Without thinking, I responded "yeah I'll have-" but quickly remembered that Matthew could not drink so I shook my head. "Just two Cokes please." Matthew looked at me with an irritated look. "You can get a drink Ashton." "No it's fine." Mat was a recovering addict, something I often forgot about him, and I didn't want to do anything to set him off. He sighed and removed a fifty dollar bill from his pocket. "She'll have white wine and I'll have a Coke." He stuffed the money in the woman's pocket, located at her hip. "Right away sir." She smiled and walked off, rolling the snack cart.
"You're not supposed to tip flight attendants." I informed Mat, beginning to read an article on upcoming winter fashion trends. "You are when they're cute." I felt my cheeks get hot with jealousy, and I closed my magazine. I knew it was hypocritical of me to feel this way, but I had never seen Mat with another girl, and I don't think I could handle it. Even if we aren't together anymore, he's still mine, and he always will be. "Shut up." "What? You're mad that I'm finally attracted to someone after you broke my heart and then almost immediately started dating someone else?" He had his arms crossed over his chest and was looking out the window at the foggy, mid morning sky. "Why are you being like this Matthew?" "Because you're leading me on and I'm sick of waiting around for you, hoping that maybe someday you'll wake up and decide that I'm the one you want to be with. I'm not really looking forward to going for Arkansas and pretending everything's fine when I know you've already told your whole family about Zac and how amazing he is. I don't want to feel uncomfortable during the holidays, I want things to be the way they've always been. I want to be with you Ashton, and I'm tired of all the back and forth." "I'm not leading you on." It was the only response I could manage, knowing he was right, as he usually was. "Then why haven't you dumped Zac yet?"
Before I had the chance to answer, the flight attendant came back with my wine. I grabbed it from her impatiently and set it on the tray in front of me. She hovered after she had given Mat and I our drinks, trying to spark a conversation with him. Her name was Bella and she looked younger than I was, with dark hair and big, blue eyes. Matthew was talking to her, distracting her from her job, in an attempt to anger me. I plugged in my earbuds and took a sip from my wine glass, wanting to be drunk enough to be able to convince my family that I was happy and that Mat and I were okay.
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liked by tjmusto, andreawilliams, and 152,436 others
bear: i miss the old u.
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andreawilliams: see you soon!✈️💞
user 1: the one that held me down & kinda told the truth
user 2: is this about ash?? I can't keep up with the drama