2.) The Bucket

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Around 5:45, Kelly woke up on the couch. He wondered why he was there, until he remembered the previous night. He smiled at the memory and looked beside him, but didn't see Stella there anymore.

He groaned and sat up, looking around for her. "Stella?" He called, getting up and looking for her. He checked her room and didn't see her, the blankets on the bed weren't even messed up so she wasn't sleeping there. He was going back to the living room to find his phone and text her when he heard a noise coming from the bathroom.

He noticed the closed door and knocked on it. "Hey, Stella? You okay?" He called.

"Yeah..." She threw up again before retracting her statement. "No, no I'm not."

Kelly opened the door and saw her kneeling beside the toilet.

"Hey, what's wrong? You okay?" Kelly asked, kneeling beside her.

"Not in the least. I feel like shit."

"What can I do for you? You need anything?"

"No, there's not really anything I need besides to stop being sick."

"You at least need to drink something so you don't dehydrate." Kelly said, leaving the bathroom and returning a moment later with a bottle of Gatorade.

Stella drank some, but couldn't keep it down. "I feel dizzy." She said, leaning back on Kelly.

"That's it, I'm taking you to Med."

"Why?" She groaned, not wanting to go to the hospital.

"Because you're dehydrated and I'm worried about you. Come on." He said, gently pulling her up off the floor. He helped her out to his car and grabbed the bucket he usually used to wash his car.

"Here, just in case you have to vomit again." He said, handing the Home Depot bucket to her.

"You're too kind." She said sarcastically as he got in the driver's seat and began driving to Med.

Upon arriving at Med, Kelly parked and helped Stella walk inside, one arm around her and one arm carrying the bucket in front of her.

He walked past the waiting room and into the ED, approaching April and Maggie.

"Stella? You okay?" Maggie and April asked.

"She's been throwing up and can't keep anything down. She's gotta be dehydrated. Please do something. I can't sit and watch this continue." Kelly begged as Stella threw up in the bucket.

"Okay, okay. Go to Bay 5, I'll get Dr. Manning." Maggie said, April and Kelly helping Stella to the room.

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