4.) Panic Attack

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"Hey, Stell." Kelly said, finally getting to see her. "How're you feeling?"

"Little bit better for now. Nat gave me some anti-nausea meds and I'm doing okay." She said. She had insisted on telling Kelly about the babies herself, not having someone else tell him. They were their kids, so she wanted to tell him.

"Good. Uh, you really worried me. And it made me realize that, if something ever actually happened to you, I never told you I loved you. Because I do. I love you and this on and off crap, let's cut it out and just be on for good. Can we please be an official couple already?" He asked, tearing up.

Stella smiled, resting her hand on his cheek. "Yes, we can. And I love you, too."

Kelly grabbed her hand from his cheek and kissed it before continuing to hold it. "So, did Nat figure out what was wrong?"

"Actually, I needed to talk to you about that."


"Yeah, uh, I don't exactly know how to say it but I, well we, are pregnant."


"That's not all."

"What else is there?"

"It's quadruplets."

"As in, four? Four babies?"

"Four babies."

"And they're mine? Not Zach's, right?"

"No, Zach and I never, ya know."

"Well, uh, wow. Like, seriously, holy shit."

"I feel the same way."

"I'm going to be a dad."

"And I'm going to be a mom."

"Do you feel like passing out? Because I feel like I'm about to pass out. Is the room spinning?" Kelly said, breathing hard and trembling.

"Calm down, Kelly." Stella tried, but to no avail. Finally, she pressed her 'call' button. Will and Natalie came in, having been closest when her call button was pressed.

"Stella? What's wrong?" They asked, rushing in.

"I'm fine, I think Kelly's having a panic attack, though. Help him." She said as Will knelt down in front of Kelly, talking him through the attack and sticking around until everything calmed down.

Once things calmed down, Natalie decided she was going to hold Stella for awhile and make sure the meds would work and she was able to keep things down before discharging her.

"Hey, Kel, go get something to eat for yourself. You haven't eaten all morning and it's past 8 now." Stella told him, looking at the clock.

"Okay, but I'll be right back." He said, kissing her before leaving the room. After buying a soda and a candy bar, he went back to Stella's room. On his way, he spotted two familiar faces: Matt and Gabby.

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