5.) Anything You Need

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"Hey, What're you doing here?" Kelly asked them.

"April called us. Are you doing okay? How's Stella?" They asked.

"She's doing good now. What all did April tell you?" Kelly wondered.

"She just said Stella was admitted this morning and you guys were here."

"Okay. Come on, let's go see her." Kelly said, leading the pack to her room.

When they walked in, Stella perked up. "Hey guys."

"Hey, how're you doing?" Matt asked.

"Okay now."

"What was wrong?" Gabby wondered.

"Uh, Kelly? Should we tell them?" Stella asked, grabbing his hand.

"Yeah, I suppose. Guys, Stella and I are a couple now."

"I meant the other thing, ya dunce." Stella said playfully.

"Oh that thing. Yeah, why not? Can't hide it too long."

"Hide what?" Gabby asked.

"We're pregnant!" Stella said.

"With quadruplets!" Kelly added.

"Whoa." Matt said after a moment of silence.

"Tell me about it." Stella laughed.

"Hey, congrats!" Gabby said, hugging her friend. "Aunt Gabby can't wait to meet you four." She said, resting her hand on Stella's belly.

"I can't believe the great Kelly Severide is going to be a dad." Matt said, patting his friend on the back.

"Neither can he." Kelly chuckled.

"Hey, you'll be great." Matt said reassuringly.

"I don't know." Kelly said, unsure.

"You will be. And, you always have me and Gabby to help."

"Good, we're going to need all the help we can get."

"Yeah, well, you got it. Anything you need." Gabby said.

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