11.) So, You Saved Him?

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"Where's Kelly? How is he?" Stella asked, entering the waiting room at Med with Andrew in her arms and the other three kids following close behind her.

"He's in surgery, Will's taking care of him. What happened to Andrew?" Matt asked, seeing him crying in his mom's arms.

"He fell out of the van and hit his head. His head's bleeding, but I don't think he needs stitches." She said as Matt looked at his nephew's face.

"You're right, he doesn't need stitches. But maybe I can take him to the bathroom and clean him up?"

"Sure, Thanks."

Matt took Andrew to the bathroom and the other three kids sat by their firehouse family as Stella paced the waiting room. A minute later, April and Will entered the room.

"Hey, How is he?" Stella asked as Evan joined her, clinging to her leg.

"He's stable, he's resting for now. He's got 3 broken ribs, a nasty concussion, and there was some internal bleeding. You can go see him, but he's looking rough. I don't suggest taking the kids back just yet." Will stated.

"Give it to me in kid language, Dr. Will." Evan said, looking up at Will.

"Your Daddy has some broken bones in his chest and he's going to have a headache for awhile. He's a little beat up right now, he needs time to rest." Will said, kneeling down to the boy's level.

"So, you saved him?" Riley asked, joining her brother and Will.

"With some help from April and Connor, Yeah."

"Thank you!" Riley said, hugging Will and April.

"You're welcome, sweetheart." Will smiled.

"Alright, I'm going to go back. Can you guys watch the kids, please?" Stella asked, ready to see her man.

"Yeah, go on." Gabby said as Matt returned with Andrew.

"What did I miss?" He asked as he held Andrew in his arms, cradling the sleeping boy.

"Kelly's Okay. He has some broken ribs, a concussion, and there was internal bleeding. Stella is back with him, but she doesn't want the kids to see him looking beat up."

"That's okay, right guys? Because you can come with me to go pick up Spencer and Ella from daycare!" Matt said, making the three awake kids excited.

"You sure about that? Our SUV is at the firehouse." Gabby pointed out.

"Looks like we'll have to take the firetruck back there then. I was taking the second half of shift off to spend time with the twins anyway, so I'll figure something out and take care of all 6 tonight. Plus, there's nothing more anyone can do here besides Stella, we might as well go back to work." Matt pointed out.

"You heard him. Everyone load up and get back to the house." Boden said, giving Matt a nod.

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