28.) No More Crying

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The ambulance ride was quiet as Evan was unconscious. The paramedic packed his open wound as he heard the heart monitor's steady rhythm. It was the only thing that let him know the teenager was alive.

In the following ambulance, a paramedic worked on keeping Kelly alive as his blood pressure dropped.

"There's gotta be internal bleeding, the only visibly injury is his arm." The paramedic told the one who was driving.

"Keep him alive, we're almost there!"


"Where are we going? We don't even know where the plane crashed!" Andrew said as Stella drove all of the kids out of Chicago.

"Your sister is on the phone with the airline, she's going to find out. They've gotta be somewhere in Indiana."

"Aunt Gabby is watching the news, she said paramedics and firefighters arrived on scene, as did the news channels." Jack reported, on the phone with Gabby.

"Did it say where the plane crashed?"

"Outside of LaPorte, Indiana. The victims are being taken to a local hospital, but the critical ones are being life-flighted to one in Gary." Jack reported as he continued to listen to Gabby tell him everything the news was saying.

"Of the 150 passengers, they've found 96 dead." Andrew said, looking up from his phone with tears in his eyes.

Stella could hear CJ beginning to cry through all the chaos in the car. She pulled off to the side of the road and turned, looking back at her kids, who all went quiet when she did this.

"What're you doing, Mom?" Andrew asked.

"We are not going to cry or assume the worst. We will not cry and worry about Dad or Evan until we find out from a doctor what the extent of their injuries are. Your father and Evan are both tough and extremely stubborn, they aren't going to die in a plane crash. It just isn't happening. So, no more crying. Jack, Riley, get off the phones. Andrew, CJ, do not cry. Now, someone look up directions to the hospital in Gary on the gps and let's get there."


"We need the rest transported to Gary." A doctor told 4 paramedics as they entered the already full hospital in LaPorte with two patients, who they didn't know were father and son.

"This man barely survived the trip here! How can he handle a helicopter ride to Gary?!" One paramedic flipped.

"He can either take the risk of flying there or stay here and have a guaranteed death sentence. There is no room and no more doctors available!" The doctor told them.

"How are there no more doctors?!"

"This is a small-town hospital. We aren't equipped for a plane crash!"

"Well, the longer we stand here debating, the less the chance of these two surviving are. Let's get on that helicopter."

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