36.) 100% Severide

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"Hey, last time Andrew's phone pinged the cell phone tower, he was turning off of Grant Ave. I'm guessing he hung up with Benny at that point." Adam said, marking it on the map.

"Well, let's go look around there and see if we can find anything." Hank said.


"Evan! That Andrew's car!" CJ said, running ahead of his brother to the car that was pulled over on the side of the road.

"Is he inside?" Evan immediately asked, sprinting to the car with his little brother.

CJ looked inside and frowned. "No, he's not. But the keys are."

"Wait, What?" Evan asked, very confused just as Intelligence pulled up.

"What'd you two find?" Antonio asked as they all joined the two.

"The keys are in the ignition and his phone is smashed and on the ground. This was not an accident. Someone took our brother." CJ reported seriously.

"Yeah, well, someone's gonna pay." Adam said, resting a hand on both of the boys' shoulders.


"What do you want from me?" Andrew asked weakly as he sat on the cold hard ground after hours of being tortured and beaten.

"I want nothing from you, Andrew. Rather I want revenge on your father." The red-haired man with the burned face stated.

"And this is how you're getting it? By kidnapping his kid?"

The man laughed. "No, no, no. By killing his kid. And I hate to do it, I do. You seem so much better than your father." He laughed.

"I am 100% a Severide. Don't ever think I'm not like my father."

"Oh how cute. Defending his honor before your death. It's a shame nobody will ever know you just did that. Anyway, I suppose I should ask, any last words?"

"You're going to hell."

"I've been in flames before." He spat before pulling the trigger and firing a bullet into Andrew's head.

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