14.) You're Alive

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"It's Matt! That's our car! Matt and all the kids are in there!" Gabby freaked out upon arriving on scene. Everybody rushed over, nobody worrying about the truck driver, who was out of the truck now.

"Matt! Baby, can you hear me?" Gabby called, looking through the shattered passenger side window at her husband.

"You have to get Andrew out of here. Riley can't find a pulse." Matt said.

"We need to get the car upright first." Otis said, telling Matt something he already knew.

"There's no time! Open the damn door and get him out of here!" Matt yelled.

"Understood." He said, setting a ladder up and climbing into the vehicle. Once inside, he put a c-collar on Andrew and hurriedly rushed him out of the car.

He handed him to Sylvie, who checked for a pulse herself and smiled in relief. "He's got a pulse, he's alive."

"I guess you shouldn't trust a four-year-old to check the aliveness of a person." Gabby chuckled as Andrew began waking up.

"What happened?" He asked, trying to sit up while holding his head.

"It's okay, you're alright, Andy. You were in a car accident with Uncle Matt and the other kids." Sylvie told him as Otis brought out Riley and set her on the gurney beside him.

"You're alive!" Riley said, hugging her brother tight. "I love you."

"I love you too, sissy."

Soon a couple extra ambulances arrived and Otis got everyone out of the car safely. They were all taken to the hospital, Riley and Andrew riding together, Jack and Evan riding together, and Matt riding with his kids on his lap.

Upon arriving at the hospital, everyone was taken inside. Will checked out Andrew and Riley, Natalie checked out Jack and Evan, and Ethan and April checked out Matt and the twins.

While this was happening, Gabby hurried to find Stella and Kelly. When she found the room, she entered, interrupting their conversation.

"Hey Gab." Stella said, holding Kelly's hand.

"I gotta tell you guys something." She said.

"What?" Kelly asked, his voice hoarse.

"Matt was taking the kids to our place, like I told you earlier." She began.

"What happened?" Stella asked, feeling sick to her stomach, afraid of where this was headed.

"A truck hit the car. Everyone seemed okay, Andrew and Jack were unconscious when we arrived, but it seems to just be concussions. Will and Natalie and Ethan and April are checking everyone out."

Kelly immediately stood up and ripped out his IV, groaning in pain as he began walking to the door.

"Hey, Hey, Hey. Kelly, wait for a wheelchair." Gabby said, trying to stop her friend.

"No, my ribs and head are injured, not my legs. I'm going to see my kids and best friend."

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