10.) Forgiveness, Not Permission

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Stella called Kelly as she loaded the kids into the van after their doctors' appointment. It went to voicemail so she figured he was on a call, so she left a message. "Hey Kel. It's just me. I wanted to tell you you were wrong. Dead wrong. The kids all got two shots and I could not control the crying. At all. Anyway, I'll see you later, love you."

When she got in the car, she looked back at her kids, who were all still pouting.

"Do you guys want to go to chickfila for lunch and play on the playground?"

Instantly the kids perked up, cheering, "Yeah!"

"Alright, let's go. And maybe after, we can go visit Daddy."

"And Uncle Matt and Aunt Gabby and Uncle Herrmann?" Riley piped up from the back seat.

"Yeah, they'll be there, too."

Soon, the five were eating at the table, all the kids antsy to go play. Finally, Jack asked. "Momma, can we go play now?"

Stella smiled, looking at her son. "Sure, go ahead."

Stella watched from the table as her kids played, making sure they were okay. As she watched Evan and Andrew slide down the slide, her phone began ringing. She answered it without even looking at who it was. "Hello?"

"Stella, it's Chief Boden."

"Hey Chief. Everything okay?"

"Uh, no. You need to get down to Med."

"What? What happened? Is Kelly okay?"

"A building exploded and he was inside."

"How bad was it?"

"It's not looking good, Kidd. There was shrapnel everywhere, a beam fell on his chest, and his head took a beating."

"Oh, oh my god...I'm on my way." She said, her world spinning as she hung up the phone.

Stella grabbed her stuff and went inside the play area, trying to round up the kids.

"Riley, Andrew, Jack, Evan, come on, we have to go." Stella called to her kids, who all shuffled over to their mom, disappointed they couldn't stay longer.

"Why do we have to leave, Mom? We just started playing." Andrew whined, on the verge of having a tantrum.

"Get your shoes on, Andy, this is serious. Daddy got hurt and we have to go to the hospital." Stella said, helping Jack and Riley with their shoes.

"Is Dad okay?" Evan asked, all of the kids looking scared now.

"I don't know, we're going to go find out, okay? Let's go." She said, leading the kids out to the van. As she was getting them in the van, Andrew tried to pick a toy up off the floor and fell out of the van, face-planting on the asphalt.

Stella groaned before picking up her crying son, whose face was bleeding from a gash on his forehead.

"Okay, ya know what? Let's do this the hard way." She mumbled, closing the van door and climbing into the driver's' seat with Andrew on her lap, crying.

"Mommy? Is that legal?" Evan asked, watching her drive as Andrew cried on her lap.

"No, but today we ask forgiveness, not permission."

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