9.) You've Got This

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Time jump: 4 Years Later
The quads are 4, Matt and Gabby's twins, Spencer and Ella, are 3.

"Daddy! Daddy! Watch this!" Riley called to her dad as she jumped off the couch and onto a pile of pillows on the floor.

"Wow, baby, that was pretty cool. Be careful for me, though, okay?" Kelly said from the dining room, where he, Evan, and Andrew were eating breakfast.

"Okay, Daddy!" She called, doing it again.

Stella entered the kitchen then with Jack in her arms, half-asleep.

"You okay, Jack-Jack?" Kelly asked, standing from the table and looking at his son in Stella's arms.

"He's fine, He isn't sick. He's just not a morning person." Stella summed up, having been struggling to wake him up.

"I wonder who he takes after." Kelly smirked, kissing his girlfriend.

"Mm, you're cute." Stella said, kissing him back.

"Ew! Mommy and Daddy are kissing!" Andrew yelled, his sister and brothers ew-ing with him, making their parents laugh.

"Do you really have to go to work today?" Stella asked Kelly. She'd taken the day off to take the kids to their doctors' appointments, but Kelly hadn't been able to get off shift.

"I'm sorry. But you'll do great taking all four to their appointments."

"You say that now, but when they're getting s-h-o-t-s and I'm struggling to contain them, you'll be wrong."

Kelly laughed. "You'll be fine, honey. You're the best mom."

"Dad, you're gonna be late for work." Evan said, handing his dad his keys.

Kelly looked at the clock and realized his son was right. "Thanks, pal. What would I do without you?" He asked, kissing Evan's head as he took his keys from him.

"You'd be late."

"Alright, I'm leaving. All of you, be good for Mommy today. I love you guys." Kelly called as the kids ran and hugged him good-bye. After the kids dispersed, Kelly kissed Stella. "I'll be home tomorrow morning. I love you, you've got this."

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