19.) Keep That In Mind

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"To the courthouse!" Riley announced as Stella began driving out of the hospital parking lot, one hand on the wheel, the other in Kelly's hand.

"Let's hit it, drive, woman, drive!" Kelly teased before kissing Stella's hand.

Soon, the family arrived at the courthouse and entered, seeing the man who married Matt and Gabby in the same way previously.

"Who's ready to get married?" He smiled.

"These two lovebirds are!" Riley grinned, holding both of her parents' hands.

"That'd be us." Stella chuckled.

"Do you have any witnesses above the age of 18?" He asked.

"Uh, we didn't..." Kelly started, being cut off by the doors opening and Gabby, Matt, the twins, and the rest of the firehouse entering.

"You can't do this without us!" Gabby said.

"What's with you people always trying to get married in secret?" Herrmann asked, remembering when Matt and Gabby did the same thing.

"How'd you guys find out?" Kelly wondered, smiling as Matt patted him on the back.

"You're 4 four-year-olds are not good secret keepers." Matt laughed.

"Who cracked?" Stella chuckled.

"You mean who spilled first? They all spilled the day Kelly proposed!" Gabby laughed, looking at her four smiling niece and nephews.

"Alright, I think we have a few witnesses now." The man said with a chuckle.

"Let's do this!" Jack cheered, everyone joining him.

And soon, the couple was married and everyone was at their house, celebrating the day and the fact that everyone was still alive.

"So, are you guys going on a honeymoon?" Gabby asked Kelly as they sat at the kitchen table with Herrmann, Matt, Mouch, Capp, and Boden.

"Eh, I don't know. It'd be nice and all, but we have medical bills to pay and kids to take care of."

"Oh come on! You have to go somewhere." Matt said. "Gabby and I will watch the kids, you know that."

"We still have 5 medical bills to pay off, me and the boys still have concussions, and things need to calm down a bit."

"So, next month?" Herrmann asked.

"I don't know." Kelly said, taking a sip of water.

"You'll regret it if you don't go anywhere. You both have furlough saved up." Boden said.

Stella then joined the group, sitting on Kelly's lap. "What're we talking about?"

"They want us to go on a honeymoon." Kelly said.

"I'm in."

"What about all the hospital bills we'll be getting?"

"We'll figure it out, don't worry. Not like we have to go to Hawaii or anything crazy. How about just a 4 day trip to Myrtle Beach? We can fly out, you can fish, I can relax on the beach, and we can have fun nights." She smirked as Kelly raised his eyebrows.

"On that note I'm in." He smirked.

"You guys already have four kids. Keep that in mind." Mouch joked.

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