17.) The Second We All Get Out

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"Jack handled the surgery like a champ and he's doing pretty well. How's Kelly doing?" Natalie asked, entering the hospital room, bringing Jack back as he slept.

"Will sedated him because he wouldn't rest and he made himself pass out earlier. He's been out ever since."

"Good, he needs to rest. How're the rest of the kids holding up?"

"Well, Evan and Andrew are asleep, resting their brains with the concussions. Riley's been watching Netflix on my phone but I think she'll crash soon."

"It's been a rough day on all of you guys."

"Yeah. I went to the bathroom after Will sedated Kelly and broke down. It's just been so emotional today!" Stella admitted, running her fingers through her hair.

"Everything's alright now, Stella. Kelly's sleeping finally, Riley's okay, Jack made it out of surgery good, and Evan and Andy are just fine."

"Thanks, Nat. For everything."

"No problem. Use the call button if you need anything, I'm going to go check on Matt, Gabby, and the twins."

Once she left, Riley fell asleep and Jack woke up.

"Mommy?" He said, looking at Stella, who was sitting beside his bed.

"I'm right here, Jack-Jack. How're you feeling?"


"You can go to sleep, baby. I'll be right here."

Jack fell back asleep and Stella made sure everyone was situated: Andrew and Evan were asleep on the couch, Jack was in his bed, Kelly was in his bed and Riley was snuggled up against him, asleep.

"She really does love her daddy." Stella thought to herself, smiling at the sight.

She decided that she'd be able to get some sleep, too, and dozed off beside Jack.

In the morning, she was woken up by Kelly's voice.

"Stella? Hey, Stella." He called out, Stella waking up and rushing to his side.

"I'm here, I'm here. Don't wake the kids up, you're okay. We're all okay." She said, kissing his cheek.

"How's Jack?"

"He's fine. He slept good after his surgery, he's still out. So are the other three."

"Yeah, I can see Riley is." Kelly smiled, feeling his daughter's little body pressed against his own.

"She loves you a lot, Kelly."

"I love her a lot. And my boys. And especially you. I love you so much, Stella. Any of us could've died today and it made me realize how much I need you and how much I love you and how much I need to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me? I don't have a ring yet, but I have a lot of love for you and our family."

"Yes. Yes, absolutely, yes!" She said, kissing him passionately, being interrupted by Riley.

"Guys! Mommy and Daddy are getting married!" She yelled, waking up her brothers.

"Cool! When's the wedding?" Andrew asked, waking up.

"The second we all get out of here."

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