39.) Reality

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"Who's going to the game tonight?" Jack asked as he grabbed his football pads and cleats and tossed them over his shoulder.

"The funeral was yesterday, I'm still too drained. I'm sorry, honey." Stella said, collapsing on the couch with makeup smeared down her face.

"Dad? Gabby? Ella? Evan? Riley? CJ? Andr-..." Jack asked, saying Andrew's name out of habit before stopping himself and taking a deep breath. "Anyone?"

"No, I can't, J." Riley said, giving him a sad smile before joining her mother on the couch.

"I promised Herrmann I'd go see him tonight." Kelly said, knowing he was lying but also knowing he couldn't handle watching a high school football game where his son, who was buried in the ground now, should be starting quarterback.

"Ev? CJ?" Jack asked, receiving a head shake from Evan while CJ squinted his eyes in resentment.

"Andrew should be getting ready for the game, too. He's not, he's dead. You shouldn't be playing either." CJ said, getting up and going to his room.

"I'm going to stay here, Matt said he's going though to watch you and Spencer." Gabby told him.

"Alright, well, see you guys later, I guess." Jack said, grabbing his keys and walking out the door.

At the game, as both teams stood on the sidelines after the National Anthem, the announcer said they'd be taking a moment of silence to honor Andrew Severide.

Jack took a deep breath as he felt Spencer Casey rest his hand on his shoulder and give him a weak smile. Jack was holding up okay until he caught a glance of the big screen, where a picture of Andrew was being shown. Then he lost it as reality hit him hard.

"No!! No, Andy, I miss you! This can't be real!" He cried as he fell to his knees, sobbing uncontrollably as everyone looked on with pity.

Spencer kneeled down beside his friend and pulled him into a hug, knowing Jack was finally realizing this was all real. As Jack sobbed, Matt, who was there to watch the game and, in all honesty, be on hand in case this happened, hurried down to the field.

"I need my brother! That's my little brother!" He yelled as Matt finally approached him, pulling him and his own son into a tight hug, Well, as tight as it could be with their football pads.

"Come on, let's go." Matt said, leading the two off the field as the rest of the stadium was silent.

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