23.) Boyfriend?

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Nine hours and one awkward talk later, the Severide family was up and ready for life as usual.

"Kelly, can you go grocery shopping please?" Stella asked as she struggled to find enough food for the kids for breakfast.

"Sure. You coming with me?" Kelly asked as he finished eating a bag of Cheetos.

"If I go with you we have to take all four kids. And then all four will ask for things and we'll spend $50 more than we need to. You could just take one or two of them and I'll stay with the other two. I need to clean the house anyway."

"Alright. Kids, who's coming with me to the store?"

"I will, Daddy!" Riley said.

"Me too!" Jack said.

"Can I come?" Evan asked.

"And me too?" Andrew asked.

Stella laughed. "Looks like I'll be going after all."

"No, I can handle it. You can relax for a little bit, don't worry about cleaning. I've got it under control." Kelly assured her.

"You're the best." Stella said, kissing him.

"I try." He smiled. "Alright, go get your shoes on." Kelly told the kids.

"Kel, they seriously need a bath before you go. The boys' feet stink, just like yours always do."

"I'll choose to ignore that last part. Kids, come here. Run through this." Kelly said, spraying Febreeze. He kids ran through the mist, laughing hysterically. "Clean enough. Let's hit the road."

Soon, the five were at the store, picking up way more junk than they needed.

"Dad, can we get this?" Andrew asked, picking up a liter of soda.

"Dad would rather buy this." Evan giggled, pointing to the beer.

"Smart kid." Kelly laughed, picking up the beer and ruffling Evan's hair.

After buying all the groceries, Kelly began the drive back home. On the ride there, Riley piped up. "Dad?" 

"Yeah baby?" He asked, looking at her in the rear view mirror.

"Can I have a boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend? What the heck do you need a boyfriend for? To protect you? From what? The boogeyman? That's my job. No way can you have a boyfriend. You can have a friend, he can be a boy. Boyfriend? Not for 15 years, sweetheart."

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