34.) Missing

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"So, What are we going to do now?" CJ asked Kelly as they sat at the kitchen table after having their talk in the car.

"Well, do you know what you did was wrong?" Kelly asked, receiving a nod from CJ. "Okay then. I don't see the point in us sitting here all day miserable. So, we're going to go to the batting cages."

"Really?!" CJ asked excitedly, loving to play baseball.

"Yeah, really, go get your bat and helmet." He chuckled.

The pair made their way to the batting cages and hit lots of baseballs. Afterwards, it was 4:30 so they decided to go home. When they got there, all the quads were home from school. Well, almost all of them.

"Hey, where's Andrew?" CJ asked when he walked in and didn't see his buddy.

"He didn't come home earlier today?" Riley asked, looking up at Kelly.

"What do you mean? CJ is the only one that come home early today." Kelly said, growing concerned.

"No, after 4th period, he said he was going home and we haven't heard from him since. I figured the school called you or Mom." Jack chimed in.

"I never got a call from the high school, Mom wouldn't said something if she did."

"His car's not here, though. Maybe he went somewhere?" Evan suggested, trying not to assume the worst.

Kelly was already on the phone, listening to the dial tone say the call couldn't be connected. "His phone isn't working. His phone always works, he's on it 24/7. Evan, call your mom. Riley, try tracking his phone, see if you can find him. Jack, CJ, drive to the school and find out who they called when he asked to come home because it wasn't me or mom."

"What're you going to do?" Jack asked, grabbing his keys.

"I'm going to call Antonio." He said, dialing his number. Soon, the detective answered his phone.


"Hey, Antonio, it's Kelly."

"Hey Severide. Whatcha need?"

"Andrew's missing."

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