16.) Sucky Day

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"I thought I told you to sit down and take it easy. Don't you ever listen, Severide?" Will asked as he entered the Casey's room.

"Not usually, no." Kelly shrugged.

"Alright, come on. You, you, and you, back to your room." Will said, pointing to each Kelly, Riley, and Evan.

"Dad? Can you carry me? My head hurts." Evan asked.

"I gotcha, little man." Will said, picking him up so Kelly wouldn't take the chance of injuring himself more. As Will carried Evan and held Riley's hand back to the room, Kelly suddenly collapsed, falling to the floor unconscious.

"Daddy!" Evan yelled, having saw the scene from over Will's shoulder. Will stopped and turned around, nearly dropping Evan as he set him down and rushed over.

"Kelly! Kelly, wake up. Hey, Severide, come on." Will said, putting pressure on Kelly's sternum and tapping his cheeks to wake him up.

Kelly slowly opened his eyes, seeing Will above him. What he was more focused on was Riley and Evan watching him from behind Will, both looking terrified. As he was helped up by Will and Maggie, all he could look at were his kids.

"I'm okay, guys." He said, not sounding like his usual self, and the kids noticing.

"No you aren't. If you were okay, you wouldn't be getting carried by Will and Maggie." Evan pointed out, his little eyes wide with concern.

"Let's go get Mommy." Riley said, grabbing Evan's arm and pulling him down the hall with her, back to the room with Stella and their brothers.

"Mom! Something's wrong with Dad!" The kids called, running into the room, only to be shocked by the sight of Jack being prepped for surgery.

"What happened to Jack?" Riley asked, looking at her brother with wide eyes.

"His appendix is about to burst, he's going to surgery now." Stella explained. "What did you say about Daddy?"

Then Will and Maggie walked in with Kelly, laying him on the extra bed.

"He passed out. It's probably from over-exertion, but I'll run tests and make sure. What's going on here?" Will asked, seeing Nat prepping Jack for surgery.

"Appendicitis." Nat said.

"Why does this day suck so much?!" Andrew asked, putting to words what everyone was thinking.

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