35.) Search Parties

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"We can't technically file a missing persons report until he's been gone 24 hours." Antonio told Kelly and Stella, standing in their doorway with them as the Riley and Evan eavesdropped from the kitchen.

"But, But, there's something you can do, right?" Stella asked, her heart sinking.

"I'll send an alert out to all the patrol units and hospitals to be on the lookout for him and I'll get Intelligence to start searching for him. Any luck pinging his phone?" Antonio asked.

"No, it won't work." Riley answered from the kitchen.

Then, Jack and CJ arrived back from the school. "The secretary said Andrew told her to just call Grandpa Benny in case you guys were on a call. He is one of the emergency contacts." Jack explained.

"Alright, I'll call Benny." Kelly said, dialing his dad's number and walking away to make the call.

"Give me his license plate and I'll run it and see if I can find it." Antonio told Stella, who typed it into a message and texted it to him.

"Great, I'll run it back at the station. I'll keep you updated." He said before giving her a sad smile. "Hang in there."

"Trying." She said, closing the door behind him as he left.

"Okay, Benny said he called Andrew after hanging up with the school. He said he just had a headache and wanted to come home and take a nap." Kelly began.

"I can attest to that, he was miserable during History." Evan said.

"Okay, So, for sure he didn't go anywhere after school. This isn't nothing." Kelly said, taking a deep, shaky breath. "My son's missing."

"I can't sit here and do nothing, I'm going to look for him." Jack said, grabbing his keys.

"Me too." Riley said, picking up her own keys.

"I'll start walking the path he would've driven to get home." Evan said, CJ nodding.

"I'll go with you." CJ told Evan.

"Come on, Kel. Me and you will split up and look, too." Stella said.

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