3.) Terrified

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"Come on, Kelly. Let's give Dr. Manning some space." April said, leading Kelly out of Stella's hospital room as Dr. Manning entered.

Kelly nodded, looking at Stella with worried eyes as April gently pushed him out of the room. She led him to the doctor's lounge and sat with him, knowing how worried her friend got about the people he loved.

Meanwhile, Natalie was with Stella. She placed an IV and began pushing fluids, not wanting her to dehydrate anymore. Then she pushed some anti-nausea medication before beginning to ask her some questions.

"How long have you been sick?"

"Just since this morning." Stella said, still feeling miserable.

"Have you been hormonal lately?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Uh, is there a chance you're pregnant?" Natalie asked, knowing about her and Kelly's relationship.

"I suppose..."

"Okay, I'll do a quick blood test and check. I can have it rushed so we'll know quick."

"Thanks Nat."


Kelly was on the couch with April. "I'm sure she's fine, Kel. It's probably just a stomach bug."

"I hope so. I've never seen her so sick."

"You brought her here, that was the best thing you could've done."

Kelly nodded, worry gnawing at his stomach.

"You want me to call anyone? Gabby? Matt?" April asked.

Kelly looked at the clock. "No, you don't have to."

"Okay." She nodded.


"I have the results." Natalie told Stella, reentering her room.


"You are pregnant."

"What?" Stella asked, terrified. She was in no way ready to be a parent. How do you raise a kid?

"I'll do a quick exam and figure out how far along you are and then I'll get Kelly for you, if you want."

"Yeah, that's fine."

While Nat did the exam, Stella sat in shock. How was she pregnant? Sure, she slept with Kelly here and there, and he was the only one, but they weren't in an official relationship or anything. How were they going to raise a child together?

"Okay, you're about 6 weeks along. You're far enough along that I can do an ultrasound."

"Okay." She said, still shocked.

As Natalie did the ultrasound, she suddenly paused, her mouth agape.

"What? What's wrong?" Stella asked.

"Let me go grab Will real quick, I want a second opinion." Natalie said, leaving for a moment and returning with Will.

Will took a look at the screen and his eyes went wide. "You're right, Nat. There's definitely four babies."

"What?! Four babies?!" Stella yelled, now 10x more terrified than she originally was.

"You're pregnant with quadruplets." Natalie said, everyone in the room completely surprised.

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