12.) This is One Full Car

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"This is one full car, Daddy!" Ella Casey told Matt as he loaded all six kids into his SUV.

"Yeah, it is, huh? All of us are going to have a sleepover tonight. How's about that?"

"Cool!" Ella and Spencer said simultaneously, all the kids excited, besides Evan, who was more worried about Kelly.

"We're staying with you tonight?" Evan asked, his small features serious, as usual.

"Yeah, your mommy is with your daddy at Med. He's okay, he's just getting better, remember?" Matt asked, kneeling and looking the little boy in the eyes.

"Yeah, but I'm scared, Uncle Matt. I want my daddy!" He cried, wrapping his arms around Matt.

"I know, buddy. But it's okay. We're going to have fun tonight. We'll eat pizza and wings and watch movies in a fort and have a lightsaber battle. How's that sound?"

"Not as good as being with my daddy, but not horrible." He sniffed, beginning to perk up.

"Don't cry, Evan. We can buy cupcakes." Ella said, hugging her friend.

"Really?" Evan asked, looking at Matt for confirmation.

"Uh, sure, yeah we can." Matt said, knowing he was in for quite the wild night with six sugared up kids, but not caring at the same time.

"Yay!" All the kids cheered as Matt got the remainder of the kids buckled into the car.

After going to the store and dragging six kids around in two shopping carts just for a box of cupcakes, Matt was relieved to finally be driving home. That was, until, he hit major traffic on the highway.

"Uncle Matt, are we going to be there soon? My stomach hurts!" Jack said from the back seat.

"I'm trying to get there as fast as I can, Jack, hang tight." Matt said, hoping the kid wasn't sick.

"I don't feel good." He whined, holding his stomach.

"Okay, hang tight. I'm getting off the highway now." Matt said, finally taking the exit he needed. At the end of the stretch of road, he came to a 4-way stop.

He stopped and looked at every direction. It was all clear and he had the right of way. He began to drive through the intersection, but a large truck didn't see the stop sign and hit the SUV full of children, flipping it over.

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