15.) Concussion Club

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"Kelly? You shouldn't be up right now." Will said as he wrapped gauze around Andrew's head to protect the stitches he'd just done.

"As much as I'd love to hear a lecture right now, I'd rather be with my kids, who just experienced something very traumatic." Kelly snapped, Will nodding.

"Alright, just sit down and take it easy while you do. I'll have Nat bring the other two in after she checks them out. Riley is just fine and Andrew has a concussion and stitches." Will reported.

"Okay, Thanks."

"Dad, that was super scary. The truck hit the car but the truck didn't stop like he should've." Riley said, hugging her dad as Stella walked in.

"God, Kelly, did you run here?" She asked, putting a chair behind him and making him sit down.

"Mommy!" Riley said, hugging her before sitting on Kelly's lap.

"Mommy, my head hurts." Andrew said as Stella sat down and hugged him.

"I know, baby boy. You're okay, though. Everything's okay."

Then Nat walked in with Jack and Evan in her arms.

"Care for two more kiddos in here?" She asked, setting them down on the bed with Andrew and Stella.

"Come here, baby boys." Stella said, holding all three of her boys in her arms.

"How are they?" Kelly asked.

"Jack has a concussion and he was complaining of a stomachache. I checked it out but it's not internal bleeding so it might just be a flu. I'll be sure to monitor him to make sure he's okay. Evan has a slight concussion and he needed some stitches on his cheek, but he's okay. You guys can all stay in this room, Kelly, I'll bring in an extra bed so you can stay in here. You need your IV reinserted, too."

"Thanks." Kelly said as Evan crawled off of Stella and onto Kelly, hugging him tight.

"Are you okay, Dad?" He asked.

"I'm okay, Ev. I'm not going anywhere. Neither are any of you."

"What about Uncle Matt and Spencer and Ella? Are they okay?" Riley asked.

"I'm sure they are. Let's go see." Kelly said, getting up carefully and walking to go find Matt and the twins, Evan and Riley following close behind him.

"There! They're in there!" Evan said, pointing in a hospital room where he saw Gabby.

The group entered, Kelly knocking on the door frame as he did so. "You guys okay?"

"Uh, Yeah, I think so. Spenc has a broken wrist, Ella's fine, and I have a concussion and a few broken ribs." Matt answered.

"Hey, welcome to the club." Kelly said sarcastically, earning confused looks. "Me and all the boys have concussions, too." he explained.

Matt went serious then, looking at Kelly. "I'm sorry this happened, especially with your kids in the car. Something worse could've happened and I wish I just would've went home another way."

"Casey, we're good. That could've happened to any one of us. Don't beat yourself up over it. Nobody's dead, that's all that matters."

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