26.) Flight 227

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After a weekend full of food and sight-seeing in NYC, Kelly and Evan were headed back to the airport.

"It was good having you two here. You'll have to come back soon." Katie said, hugging the two as they got their luggage out of her car.

"Definitely. And I might even bring the rest of the family." Kelly joked.

"I hope you don't." Evan joked. "This was the best weekend I've ever had."

"You just liked my cooking." Katie teased.

"You are not wrong."

"Yeah, I think I put on 10 pounds." Kelly laughed.

"Well, next time you come back, I'll have more recipes to try out. But you two are gonna miss your flight, so you better get going. Love you guys." Katie said, hugging the two before they disappeared into the crowd.


"What time are Evan and Dad coming back?" Riley asked Stella as they sat on bleachers, watching Andrew and Jack's soccer game.

"I think they'll get back around 4. You miss them?" Stella asked, watching Andrew dive and stop a goal.

"More than I thought I would. I didn't realize how much Evan did when you and dad were at work."

"Like what?"

"He's like the parent of the house when no one else is there to do it. Like, tucking CJ in, making dinner, making sure nobody touches the alcohol, stuff like that."

"Yeah, he's the good kid."

"Hey! I'm good, too!" CJ said, returning from the playground with his friends.

"Yeah, you are." Stella chuckled. "Are you done playing?"

"Yeah, is the game almost over?"

"Just about."

"Cool, it's getting closer to the time we can pick up Dad and Evan from the airport!"

"Yeah, their plane should land in less than an hour now."

"Uh, Mom." Riley suddenly said, looking at her phone.


"Were Dad and Evan on flight 227?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Oh no. Oh, please, no." She panicked.

"Why? What's going on?"

"I just got an alert on my phone. Flight 227 from New York to Chicago crashed."

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