25.) Chef Katie

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Friday morning, Evan and Kelly went to the airport as everyone else got ready for school.

"I kinda regret not going." Riley told Stella as they watched Kelly and Evan drive away from the house.

"It's okay, honey. Evan could use some quality time with your dad, anyhow."

"That's true. He always wants one-on-one time with dad, but it's hard when there's 4 other kids pulling him away."

Stella smiled and hugged her daughter. "You're so sweet."

"Sweet enough to skip school today?" Riley asked, hopeful for a 'yes.'

"You're funny, but no. You're going to school if you want to go to the Cubs' game tomorrow."

"Ugh, fine."


"Hey, Dad?" Evan said as he and Kelly as the pair sat down in their plane seats.

"Yeah, Ev?"

"I'm glad we can go to New York, just the two of us without the rest of the family."

"Why's that?"

"Just, I don't know, we don't get to spend much one-on-one time together. I love my 4 siblings, but one of them is always around, ya know? It's nice to have all the attention sometimes."

Kelly smiled, incredibly grateful for his son. "I completely agree."


After school, Andrew and Jack went to the football field to begin warming up for the game while Riley and CJ went to the firehouse.

"Hey guys, how was school?" Cruz asked when they walked in.

"I should've gone to New York." Riley groaned, sitting in the seat her dad usually sat in.

"That bad?" He asked.

"I fell asleep in 4 of my 7 classes."

"You think you have it bad?" CJ asked. "Jenna H. won't leave me alone at recess and Abby R., the girl I actually like, sits by me in class and lunch, but at recess, she suddenly doesn't know me!"

Everyone laughed, realizing how similar CJ was to his father.


"Hey Aunt Katie!" Evan said, hugging his aunt at the airport.

"Hey Evan!" She said, hugging him back before moving on to Kelly. "Hey big brother."

"I've missed you, sis." Kelly told her, hugging her tight.

"Same here. So, you guys hungry? I'm off today, but I suppose I could whip something up for you two."

"Something tells me we won't be hungry staying with a chef this weekend." Kelly smiled.

"You two are going to be my lab rats; I have a few new recipes to try out and I need honest feedback."

"Well, I'm starving, so let's go." Evan said.

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