30.) You Kids Keep Me Strong

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"So, despite CJ getting in a little trouble with hospital security, he found Dad and Evan. They're both in surgery now; Dad has internal bleeding and Evan's stomach is completely cut open and they have to fix some stuff up." Andrew said over the phone to Matt, who had called to ask for an update.

As Andrew continued to talk to Matt, Riley put her arm around CJ. "I'm proud of you, baby bro. You found Dad and Evan while we were sitting around and talking about how to find them."

"Yeah, it was worth the firm talking to from the security guard." CJ chuckled.

Meanwhile, Stella had noticed Jack was pacing the hallway outside the waiting room. She got up and stopped him, resting her hands on his shoulders. "Jack, remember what I said? We don't have to cry or worry yet. They're too stubborn to die."

Jack forced a smile. "That worked with your other kids, but I can't buy it."

"Come on, it'll be fine."

"What if it's not? I cannot lose my dad and I cannot lose one of my brothers and I especially cannot lose both!"

"You won't lose either. Dad is way to stubborn to die now and Evan wouldn't leave yet because he doesn't trust in our ability to take care of ourselves."

The pair smiled before Jack shook his head. "Even the strongest and the most stubborn people die sometime and what if that's today?"

"Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. The doctors are doing everything they can, Okay?"

"Yeah, sorry." He said, wiping the unwanted tears off his face.

"Don't be sorry. You know why I said no crying, don't you?"

Jack shook his head 'no.'

"It wasn't because I wasn't afraid. I was absolutely terrified, I still am. But I knew, if you all started crying and assuming the worst, I would too. You kids keep me strong and if you all broke down, I would too."

"I love you, Mom."

"I love you, too."

The two went back to join the rest of the kids just as a couple doctors approached them. "Family of Evan and Kelly Severide?"

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