22.) Mood Killer

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"I can't believe we have to go back home already." Stella said, zipping up her suitcase and leaning against Kelly.

"I know. I don't wanna go either. But it'll be good to see the kids again." Kelly said, kissing Stella's forehead.

"Gabby said Evan has been going nuts without us."

"At least one of them missed us. I doubt Riley, Jack, or Andrew did."

"You're probably right." Stella chuckled. "They'd rather just play with Spencer and Ella and get away with murder while we aren't around."

"I'm sure they missed us. Deep down."

Stella heard her phone alarm go off, reminding her they needed to get to the airport. "Shoot, were gonna be late. Let's go."

That night, the couple was back in Chicago. After getting off the plane, they drove to the Casey house, walking inside and surprising everybody.

"Dad! Mom!" The quads yelled, running to them. Evan got to them first and hugged them both tight.

"I missed you!" Evan said as his brothers and sister joined the hug.

"We missed you guys too." Stella said.

"Did you guys have fun with Matt, Gabby, and the twins?" Kelly asked as the kids broke away from the hug.

"Yeah! We went to the trampoline place and Antonio's boxing gym and Uncle Matt let us play football in the house!" Jack said excitedly.

"Oh yeah?" Stella asked.

"Yeah! And we watched movies and had light saber battles!" Riley added.

"It was like living in a different world where we just do fun stuff and have no rules!" Andy laughed.

"Well, are you ready to go home and get back to normal life?" Kelly asked.

"I suppose. Only if there's ice cream involved." He hinted.

"Maybe I will buy ice cream and cupcakes on the way home." Kelly said, his kids cheering.

"How generous of you." Stella said, giving him a look to say 'why-would-you-tell-them-that?'

"Alright, let's hit the road." Kelly said, ready to finally get back home.

That night, after pumping the kids full of ice cream and cupcakes, Kelly and Stella got them off to bed around midnight.

"So, the kids are all asleep. We could stretch our honeymoon fun one more night..." Stella hinted, Kelly smirking at the thought.

"Hell yes."

As the two fooled around in bed, the door suddenly opened and Andrew stood there with his jaw dropped. "What the hell?!" He screamed before running back to his room.

"Talk about a mood-killer." Kelly mumbled as they quickly got dressed.

"Let's go have an awkward talk." Stella groaned.

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