37.) Our Number Three

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"You think this could be the place?" Jay asked Hank as Intelligence pulled up to an abandoned house.

"The traffic cameras definitely point to this being the place." Hank confirmed as he suited up.

"What are you guys waiting for? Go!" Riley said, unable to keep quiet as she was filled with fear for her brother.

Hank nodded and motioned for the team to enter the house, all of them racing to find Andrew in hopes it wouldn't be too late. They cleared the upstairs before heading to the basement. There they found the worst scenario imaginable: Andrew with a bullet to the head and Jeff Hadley with a self-inflicted bullet wound to the burned side of his face.

"No!" Antonio yelled, rushing to Andrew and trying desperately to get a pulse and beginning compressions when there wasn't one. The boy was like a nephew to him and he couldn't lose him.

After 10 minutes of compressions from Antonio, ambulances showed up. When they arrived, Gabby and Sylvie were taken aback by the sight. They tried to help him, but it was too late.

"Time of death, 19:32." Gabby said with a sob as she looked once more at her nephew, whose blood now stained her hands.


"You're lying! He's alive! My son is not dead!" Kelly yelled as tears ran down his face.

"I'm so sorry, Sev." Antonio said as the man practically fell into his arms.

"No!! My baby! That's my baby!" Stella sobbed as she watched Andrew being wheeled out on a gurney by Gabby and Sylvie. She was held back by Kevin, who tried his damnedest to comfort her through the unthinkable.

While this was happening, the other kids were devastated. Jay, Adam, and Kim had taken them to their house once the ambulances had arrived so they wouldn't see their brother being wheeled out under a sheet. They wished they could've taken Kelly and Stella too but that was not going to happen.

"He's dead." Evan said. "My brother is dead. He was murdered. My brother has just been murdered! Fuck!" He screamed, putting his fist through the wall in anger as everyone watched with tears on their faces.

"He was our number 3. The third quad. There's only four Severide kids left." Riley sobbed into Kim's shoulder as CJ cried into Jay nearby.

"Who does that? Andrew is someone's brother, someone's son, someone's friend. How can somebody just kill him?! He doesn't deserve this!" Jack raged, as Adam tried to console him.

"Nobody deserves this. Especially not Andrew." Adam agreed.

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