7.) Quad Squad

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"This quad squad might need some names." Stella told Kelly as they stared through the nursery glass at their newborns. It had been a day since their birth and they'd had many visitors already.

Kelly looked down at Stella, who he was pushing in a wheelchair. "You can pick the first name since you did all the heavy labor."

"Okay, for Baby A, how about Jack Matthew Severide?"

"I like it. Jack Matthew. How about Baby B?"

"Our little girl. What should we name her?" Stella said as she pondered names. "Riley Shay Severide?"

"After Shay?"

"Of course. I know how much she meant to you."

Kelly smiled. "Our little Riley Shay. For Baby C, how about Andrew Dawson Severide?"

"I like it, incorporating Gabby's name. And lastly, Baby D."

"How about Evan Christopher Severide? After Herrmann?"


"Did we do it? Did we just name our babies?" Kelly chuckled.

"I think we did. Pretty awesome, huh?"

"Damn straight. Jack Matthew, Riley Shay, Andrew Dawson, and Evan Christopher. Our quad squad."

"They're adorable. You know what I'm dreading though?" Stella asked.


"Taking them home and raising them all on our own. I mean, the idea of feeding them and changing their diapers and soothing them and staying up all night on an endless loop for months terrifies me."

"Me too. But we got this, don't worry."

"How do you know for sure? What if we seriously screw these kids up?"

"We'll make more." Kelly joked, Stella slapping his hand. "I'm kidding. Look, we got this. I don't know how I know, but I do. We'll be fine."

"We better be, or I'll kick you out." Stella joked.

"Oh no, don't kick me out of our new house." Kelly laughed, referring to the house they'd bought several months ago. After finding out about the quadruplets, they knew they'd need a bigger place to raise the kids.

"I'm kidding. If I kick you out, who will buy me chocolate, flowers, and a sappy card on Valentines Day?"

"I'm sure Otis could do it." Kelly joked, both of them laughing.

"I love you, Kelly. And I love the family we've made."

"I love you, too."

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