6.) Worth It

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Soon, Stella was 34 weeks pregnant and her belly was huge. She'd been put on bed rest at Med, so she was going insane.

"Hey, Stella. How're you doing?" Natalie asked as she entered the room to check on her.

"I'm going crazy. I mean, I want to do anything I have to do to keep these babies safe and healthy, but does it really need to involve me lying in this bed all day everyday?"

"I'm afraid so. It'll be worth it, though."

"So I've been told."

Natalie chuckled. "Where's Kelly?"

"He's working, but he promised to bring me donuts tomorrow morning when he's off."

"I'll be sure to stop by when he gets here then."

As the women laughed, Stella's face suddenly went white.

"What's wrong?" Nat asked, quickly becoming serious.

"I think my water broke."

Natalie checked her out and then looked at her. "You're in labor. The quad squad is coming."

"Oh my god. I have to call Kelly." Stella said, grabbing her phone as Nat went to assemble a team to deliver the babies.


"Capp, get the cutters. Cruz, I need the jaws." Severide called at the scene of a car accident. As his guys went to do as they were instructed, Boden's car flew up beside Kelly.

"Chief?" Kelly asked, confused.

"Take my car and get to Med, I've got you covered." Boden said.

"Is it Stella?" Kelly asked, his heart dropping.

"Yes, she's in labor."


3 hours later

"Kelly...you did this to me...Why aren't you the one in pain? Why is it me?...Just because you didn't pull out..." Stella said, squeezing Kelly's hand hard as she breathed through contractions.

"It'll be worth it, Baby. Hang in there." Kelly assured her, kissing her forehead.

"You can't say that....if you're not the one in excruciating pain!"

"I couldn't handle it. I'm not as tough as you."

Natalie hen spoke up. "It's time to deliver the babies. Are you ready?" She asked, preparing everything.

"As I'll ever be." Stella said.

Ten minutes later, there were 4 baby Severide's in the world, 3 boys and 1 girl.

"Congratulations, guys. Three little boys and one little girl." Natalie said, setting two babies in the arms of each parent.

"Holy crap, this is all so real." Kelly said, tears of joy on his face as he held two of his babies for the first time.

"You were right, it was worth it." Stella said, kissing Kelly.

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