21.) Honeymoon Fun

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"Wake up, babe. I wanna go to the beach." Kelly said, jumping on top of Stella to wake her up.

"It's like 6:30 in the morning, Kelly." She groaned.

"Yes, but I need to go fishing. Plus, there's a chance I'll catch a shark if I go out this early."

"You want me to get out of this nice comfy bed and go watch you try to catch a shark, which won't happen, ever, by the way."

"Yes, that is correct."

"You are out of your mind." She chuckled.

"You married me, though."

"Well, I have four kids with you, it'd be rude not to." She said before kissing him.

"Mmm, maybe the sharks can wait." Kelly said, kissing her back passionately.


"Aunt Gabby, how many more days until my mom and dad get home? I miss them." Evan said, staring blankly at the pancake in front of him as everyone ate breakfast.

"2 days, bubs." Gabby said, having already told him 3 times that morning.

"How many hours is that?"

"48." Matt answered.

"How many seconds is that?"

"Tell you what, how about we go to the trampoline park today? How's that sound?" Matt asked, trying to distract him.

"It'd be better if my mom and dad were here. I miss Mommy making fun of Daddy's stinky feet after work and Daddy beating me at MarioKart."

"I could beat you at MarioKart if you want." Ella said, trying to make him feel better.

"Okay." Evan said, a small grin on his face.

"So how about that trampoline park?" Matt asked.

"Well, Okay. We can go."


"Kelly! Look! I'm paddle boarding!" Stella called as she paddled around the water.

"I'm doing it, too! This is easy!" Kelly called back.

"It's easy, is it?" She asked paddling towards him and then knocking him off the board.

"Real nice, Stella." He said, grabbing her ankle and pulling her into the water with him.

"That wasn't nice." She pouted before Kelly kissed her. "Ooh, but that was."

"You know what I saw earlier?" Kelly asked.


"A go-kart place. We should go."

"What? You think you could beat me in a race?" Stella asked.

"Baby, I know I can."

"Well, let's go."

Soon, the couple was at the go-kart place.

"Get ready to lose, Mrs. Severide." Kelly said.

"It's cute you think that's going to happen." Stella told him. Then the worker gave the signal and they were off.

Kelly was in front of Stella almost the entire time, until the end. Just as he was about to win, Stella ran her kart into his and knocked him against the wall before winning the race herself.

"No fair, you cheated." Kelly pouted afterwards.

"Let's go back to the hotel room and I'll make it up to you."

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