13.) Slim, But Not None

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"Truck 51, Squad 3, Ambo 61, Battalion 25: car accident at the intersection of Walsh and Grant."

As everyone rushed to their vehicles at the firehouse, Gabby looked at Sylvie. "That's right off the exit Matt goes to get to our house."

"The odds of that being Matt are slim, Gabby." Sylvie assured her.

"Slim, but not none." She said, her stomach churning as she began driving to the scene.


"Kids? Ella? Spencer? Jack? Riley? Andrew? Evan? Are you guys okay?" Matt called out as his world came into focus. He noticed the vehicle was still on its side and his blood was clouding his vision.

"Daddy!" Spencer called. "I'm scared."

"Me too! I want my mom and dad!" Riley cried.

"Okay, guys calm down. I need you all to stay still. Spencer, without moving your neck, can you tell if Ella and Evan are still beside you?" Matt asked, wanting to make sure all the kids were still there and hadn't been thrown from the vehicle.

Spencer moved his little hands to the sides of him, feeling two bodies still strapped in their seatbelts. "Yeah, They're here."

"Okay, Good. Riley, are Jack and Andrew still beside you? Don't move your neck, use your hands."

Riley turned her neck and looked around. "They're both here. My neck is okay, I turned it anyway."

"I told you not to, Riles."

"I know, but I had to." She said, unbuckling her seatbelt.

"Riley, stay still. I'm not kidding." Matt said.

"I have to make sure everyone is okay, Uncle Matt." She said, hanging onto the seat in front of her and looking at the other kids. "Spencer, Ella, and Evan are a little bloody, but they look okay. Jack isn't awake and neither is Andrew." She said.

"Are they breathing?" Matt asked, hearing sirens approaching.

"Yeah, I think so. I know Jack is, I can't tell if Andy is."

"Do you know how to feel for a pulse?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, Aunt Gabby showed me."

"Check for Andy's pulse."

After a moment of silence, Matt asked, "Riley, can you feel anything?"

"N-no." She said, her voice shaking.

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