24.) Much Needed?

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"So, I was thinking." Kelly told his wife as they laid on the couch together one night as their 5 kids were scattered about the house doing homework.

"Oh no." She teased.

"No, it's nothing bad."

"What is it? You want another kid? Because I'm done with that."

"No, it's not that. Although, if it happens... Anyway, what I was thinking was, maybe we could take a trip to New York."

"You miss Katie?"

"I haven't seen my sister in years. It'd be nice. She said she's more than happy to have us."

"I like that. It's a good idea."


"Yeah, get the kids in here and see if they like it."

"Hey, kids! Come here!" Kelly called, sitting up on the couch, pulling Stella up with him.

"What's up? I have homework." Evan said as they all walked into the living room.

"How would you guys like to fly to New York to visit Aunt Katie this weekend?" Kelly asked.

"I'd love to, but I have a football game Friday night and a soccer tournament Saturday and Sunday. I really can't miss them." Andrew said.

"Same here. Sorry." Jack agreed.

"I want to, but I kinda have tickets to the Cubs game Saturday with Ella and I don't wanna throw them away." Riley explained.

"I wanna go, and I'm not missing anything." Evan said, the only quad to agree to go.

"Alright, well, I'll stay home with these three and you can take Evan and CJ." Stella told Kelly with a sigh.

"I don't wanna go if Andy isn't going." CJ stated.

"Well, Ev, me and you are going to New York." Kelly said, looking at his son.


"I can't believe Evan is the only one who wants to go with me." Kelly told Stella that night as they got into bed.

"Well, Andrew and Jack do have tournaments and games this weekend. And I could see Riley not throwing away Cubs' tickets. CJ should've gone though." Stella justified.

"Nah, I know he'd rather be with Andrew. Honestly, I think he likes Andrew more than me and you combined."

"Probably does. At least you and Evan get some much-needed quality time together."

"Much needed?"

"Oh, no offense, but you and Evan haven't spent time together in a long time."

"The kid adores me. Remember when we went fishing together? Just the two of us?"

"He was 6 and Matt was there, too."

"We went golfing together a couple months ago."

"No, that was Jack."

Kelly scratched his head. "I've spent time with Evan, I know it."

"I mean, you have, just not one-on-one."

"Well, I guess it's a good thing no one else is coming with us this weekend."

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