43.) Family

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"Evan's coming home today, can you guys clean up his room please?" Stella asked her kids as she grabbed a big box.

"Sure, But uh, what are you doing?" Riley asked.

"Well, I think it's time to start cleaning out Andrew's room." She said, on the verge of tears just by saying it.

"Its only been a week and a half, Mom." Jack reminded her.

"I know, honey, but I think it'll help us all. Walking by his room, full of his stuff, it keeps tricking us into thinking he's still here. I'm not getting rid of everything, just some of the junk. And you guys can have whatever you want to keep."

"Okay." Jack said softly, not ready to go through his brother's things. And to think, if Evan had succeeded, they'd be going through two rooms instead of one.

Meanwhile, Kelly was driving Evan home.

"You sure you're okay?" Kelly asked him for the hundredth time in the past few days.

"Yes, Dad, I'm okay. Just a little sore, that's all." Evan said, lightly chuckling at his worried father.

"Okay. Anyway, Mom said she was cleaning out Andrew's room today. Anything you want to keep is yours, okay? I know it'll be hard, but you're strong. I'll be right by your side, if you can't handle it, just walk away." Kelly prepared him as they pulled into their driveway.

Evan took a deep breath. "Okay."

"There's more." Kelly said, stopping him before he got out of the car.


"The entire family is going to start going to counseling."

"Come on, Dad. We don't need help from a shrink."

"Your hospital stay begs to differ."

"Touché." Evan sighed.

"Hey, don't hate the idea too much. We've all been through so much shit, we need help. There's nothing wrong with that. And, especially after just happened, I've realized you guys need more help than you're letting on."

"Just because I-"

"No, Ev, that's not it. I lost one of my kids already, I can't lose any more. I just can't. I'll lose it."

"That's what happened to me, Dad, I lost it. But I got it back, ya know, after a short hospital stay. You would too. You'd do it for your other kids, just like you've been doing."

Kelly nodded. "You're right. Family keeps you going. Anything life throws at us, we can handle."

That's the end! Hope you guys enjoyed it!!

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