27.) Bad Crops

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"Evan? Hey, Evan!" Kelly called as he regained consciousness. The last thing he remembered was grabbing his son's hand as the plane went down.

He slowly looked around, seeing parts of the plane and bodies scattered about. He slowly tried to sit up, then noticed his left arm trapped under a piece of the plane.

He yelled in pain as he ripped his arm out from underneath, seeing his bone protruding through his skin.

"Evan!" He called once again before seeing his son on the ground, unconscious and bleeding from a large wound in his abdomen along with a gash in his head.

"Evan! Hey, Ev, come on, buddy." Kelly said, kneeling beside him and trying to wake him up.

"D-Dad? What happened?" Evan slowly asked as he opened his eyes.

"The plane crashed, we're in a corn field or something." Kelly said, looking around for anything to aide him in helping his son.

"I don't think this is going to be a good year for the crops." Evan said weakly, giving a slight chuckle before it turned to coughing blood.

"Calm down, Ev. If you get yourself worked up, you'll hurt yourself more." Kelly told him, holding his son's head still in case he had a spinal injury.

The two stayed in silence for a few moments before the faint sounds of sirens were heard.

"Help's coming." Evan said with a shaky breath.

Kelly tried to respond but suddenly felt dizzy. He tried to shift positions and lie down, but fell unconscious before he had the chance.

"Dad? Dad, please wake up. Please!" Evan begged, crying as he tried desperately to wake his dad up. He attempted to move, to help his father, but found that every time he moved, his abdomen bled and hurt more.

The sirens grew louder as the shock wore off of Evan. He'd just been in a plane crash and he was hurt, and his dad could be dying.

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