Chapter 23: The Poet

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A/N: Jungkook as Jivan

A/N: Jungkook as Jivan

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Thanks Annie!

TWT: taennie_1
IG: jalnni

Enjoy reading!
"Jivan, how's your relationship with Elira?" Mother asks as we ate breakfast.

"Good," please don't bring up the wedding engagement.

"How good?" I took a bite of egg.

"We're friends," she smiled hoping for me to say something else, "just friends," she sighed.

"Well, you know, me and your Father," she reached for my Father's hand across the table, they smiled at each other, "we started out as friends, I'm sure you and-"

"Stop," I said and she giggled.

"What? Either way, you're going to marry her, so why not start courting her now?" she smirked and I looked at my Father who shrugged. Sometimes, I thought my Mother put some kind of love spell on my father, but she didn't which makes their love more disgusting, but I was envious.

"I think you're forgetting Prince Basil," I said cutting a piece of egg.

"I did not. I just know you'll be the one marrying her," I highly doubt Elira would want to though, "if you just gave her your poems ..." Mother said softly.

"You did not," I said staring at her and she smiled innocently, "Mother!" I drop the cutlery on the table.

"It's not a secret that you have feelings for her, I-"

"Mother," I glared at her and she just drank water, "I can't believe you-"

"That's enough Jivan," my Father spoke and I sighed.

"Jivan," my Mother said softly, "Jivan," she reached for my hand and I looked at her, to see her smiling.

I take a breath, I loved my mother, but I hated when she pried with my relationship with Elira, "Mother," she smiled.

"You don't have to be afraid to show Elira your feelings. It will also make it easier for the both of you if you start being honest with each other now," she said squeezing my hand and I nodded.


"Sigmund, do you know if Elira likes anyone?" I ask as I watch Elira painting in her balcony, looking from her garden.

He looked up at Elira, "No, and even if she did, I'm not the person she'd tell that to." I nodded.

I watched her focus on painting a portrait of Ninurta. Ninurta stood still, but at times he would make a face, and Elira would threaten to throw paint at him and he laughed but, went back to sitting still.

She looked so happy painting.

"If you keep staring at her, she might melt," Sigmund said and I look at him, he was smirking, "Don't be too obvious." Sigmund said and walked forward, passing the daisies to his left.

I glance at Elira for a moment and she was looking at me, but then she looked away. I walked towards Sigmund, "How is she?" I ask following Sigmund as he admired the flowers.

"She's been ... okay," he said, "I think it's best if you talk to her instead," he looked towards the balcony and waved.

I looked at the balcony and Elira was gone. Ninurta waved at me.

"Looking for someone?" someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around to see Elira titling her head to the left her hands behind her back.

She looked so cute.

"Not you, if that's what you're thinking," why did I say that?

"Right and that's why you were looking at the balcony, where I was," she smirked and walked past me. She smelled like lavenders, her favorite flowers.

I turn around to see her walking ahead, her back facing me. Her hair swayed from left to right as she walked, the flowers seemed to greet her as she walks by.

"Just because I was looking at the balcony, doesn't mean I was looking for you," why was I even trying to argue with her?

"Whatever you say, Prince Jivan," she said looking down at a flower that was about to wither, but with her gentle touch, it bloomed again. She always loved taking care of plants.

"Seems like you still paint," I watch her walk around her flowers and stood in front a bed of roses. I stop in my tracks to admire her beauty.

"Seems like you're still bad at small talk," she said looking at me, smirking.

She was right, I am bad at small talk. Because I didn't know what else to say. The moment I open my mouth, I might just tell her how beautiful she was in the yellow lace dress she was wearing. Or how her fair skin glowed under the golden sun.

"Your birthday is coming soon," I said as she continued to walk ahead I kept my distance. Is there something you wished for? I'd make anything come true for you.

"I guess it is," the way she said it, there was something off about it, it wasn't that she was sad, but ... she sounded worried.

"Is there something you're looking forward to?" she stops walking and I'm right behind her.

She turned around, "If you just want to ask me-" she noticed how close we were and took a step back, -"if you want to ask me if I'm looking forward to being engaged at the end of the night, then the answer is no."

She walked past me and started walking faster. I chased after her, she took quick turns taking advantage I wasn't familiar with her garden.

"Elira, I didn't mean to-" she went through a door and I heard a door close from the balcony, I look up to see her about to close the balcony doors, she stared at me for a moment, but then closed it.

Why did her eyes glisten? Was she about to cry?

I messed up again.

A/N: Hey! I said in Chapter 21 that would be my last Author's note at the end of a chapter HAHAHA. And that I'll stop asking questions, but oh well.

What do you think of Jivan?

I want to ask more, but I won't.

Take care always! Love you, fighting!

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