Chapter 86: The Witnesses

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     King Scirocco starts the ceremony, "Kingdom of Nura elves, fairies, pixies, dwarves, trolls and every small or big creature, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Princess Elira of Euria and Prince Jivan of Bethescene in marriage," he smiles at the everyone and the look at bride and groom.

"Princess Elira and Prince Jivan, today you are surrounded by your friends and family, to share in the joy of this special occasion. Today, as you join yourselves in marriage, there is a vast and unknown future stretching out before you.

The possibilities and potentials of your married life are great; now falls upon your shoulders the task of choosing your values and making real your dreams. Through your commitment to each other, may you grow and nurture a love that makes both of you better people, a love that continues to give you great joy, and also a passion for living that provides you with energy and patience to face the responsibilities of life," everyone claps.

King Scirocco instruct everyone to sit down as the ceremony continues, "Princess Elira and Prince Jivan, remember to treat yourselves and each other with respect, and remind yourselves often of what brought you together. Take responsibility for making the other feel safe, and give the highest priority to the tenderness, gentleness, and kindness that your connection deserves.

When frustration, difficulty, and fear assail your relationship, as they threaten all relationships at some time or another, remember to focus on what is right between you, not just the part that seems wrong. In this way, you can survive the times when clouds drift across the face of the sun in your lives, remembering that, just because you may lose sight of it for a moment, does not mean the sun has gone away. And, if each of you takes responsibility for the quality of your life together, it will be marked by abundance and delight,"

Everyone listens and watches as King Scirocco speaks beautifully. Both mothers of the bride and groom, are crying at their seats, the fathers comforting their wives being in awe just as well.

The six men that have played important parts in the couple's life are seated separately on each side of the groom and bride. Chad, Selwyn, and Javier are sat by Elira's side. Tristan, Ninurta, and Sigmund are sat by Jivan's side. Each attentively looking at the bride and groom, having thoughts of best wishes towards them.

     Chad and Selwyn whisper towards each other, "There are a lot of beautiful elves, here don't you think?" Chad said smiling at Selwyn.

Selwyn shakes his head, "You're definitely Elira's brother. How could you think of setting me up with someone, at this moment?" Selwyn was amused and confused.

"I just testing whether you were loyal to my sister's beauty," Chad chuckled, "I heard humans have fickle personalities."

"I don't represent the whole human race, besides humans, aren't the only indecisive creatures. Your sister – who is an elf – can be quite indecisive," Selwyn smiled.

"You, my human friend are quite right," Chad said putting his arm over Selwyn.

"And I thought I was the nosy one," Javier mutters to himself.

Chad and Selwyn look at him, "Just pay attention," Javier says, but then cracks into a smile, "I actually thought Elira was going to switch in the last moment to marry Tristan," the three try to stifle their laughter earning glances from Elira's parents.

    It's interesting how the three could just casually joke about such things. But I guess, that's how Selwyn and Javier coped. Chad, being the only one who didn't have such feelings, which is a relief, seeing as they ended up being siblings.

Tristan, Ninurta, and Sigmund on Jivan's side, were all quiet, vocally.

     "I don't even understand why did you guys link me with you," Sigmund tried not to show his annoyance with the two Stigary brothers. Who were sitting on each of his sides.

"Elira always said how it was rude that we talked telepathically, so we thought you'd want to join us," Tristan said shrugging. Which seemed like just random gesture to a person who doesn't know they were talking through their minds.

"And this way, we won't make any noise, unlike the other three over there," Ninurta said.

    The three of them, glance at Chad, Selwyn, and Javier. Who was being glared at by Queen Veron.

     "Well, thank you for your consideration, but I rather listen to the ceremony," Sigmund said.

Tristan and Ninurta bent down a bit to look at each other since Sigmund was between them. They both shook their heads smiling, "Are you actually listening?" Tristan sat up straight again, as did Ninurta.

"Of course I am," Sigmund said staring at the podium.

"You don't have to pretend, we know you get bored," Ninurta said.

"I do not," Sigmund said.

"They why do you still talk to us?" Tristan asked.

"Because you keep talking!" Sigmund tried to reason.

Ninurta coughs trying to cover the fact he was about to laugh, "You can always close us out."

    Tristan nodded his head, another random gesture to others, he gained a weird look from a fairy flower girl.

     "I –"

"We knew it! Telepathic high five!" Tristan said smiling to himself.

"Fine, but don't tell anyone, or both of you are dead," Sigmund said.

"Yes, sir!" Tristan and Ninurta said cheerfully, that if made Sigmund crack into a smile.

     Elira's grandparents who were present, sat at the back of the guests, not wanting to earn any unwanted attention. To the people of Nura, there was a superstition that, if you made eye contact with the previous Queen Esther and King David, you'd be blessed abundantly in your next life.

     "Is that Queen Esther?" pixies who are known to gossip a lot were whispering to one another.

"I'd appreciate if you didn't gossip during my granddaughter's wedding," Queen Esther said telepathically, shocking the pixies. They quickly hid in flowers nearby.

"Pixies," Queen Esther shakes her head and King David just smiles at her wife.

    Queen Esther looks around and observes the audiences present, it brought a smile to her face.

     "Our little Elira will definitely be a greater ruler than her ancestors," Queen Esther says to King David.

"She definitely will be," King David agrees.

     Everyone in the room thought that. They all shared the same feelings towards the couple. How they would change Nura, for the better. Getting faeries creatures of different races together was just a start.

Originally Jivan wanted to invite his friends from Gethen. Elira was not against the idea, but she didn't want to cause unnecessary commotion between the nations. Elira however, promised that they would ease the idea of Nura and Gethen getting along once again after they were wed and she even agreed to meet Jivan's friends.

    "And now for the time we've all been waiting for the exchanging of vows," King Scirocco said.

     All eyes and ears were on the couple, who were preparing to share their words of love, towards each other, with everyone they cared about.

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