Chapter 28: The Analyst

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June 16, 2018 - 5 days before the ball

"You are never leaving her side, not even for a moment, not a millisecond, you understand me, Tristan?" Queen Veron says pacing back and forth talking to me.

"Yes, your majesty," I said nodding my head, watching Elira's mother being frantic.

"Also, that Selwyn, is he trustworthy?" she asks looking at me for a moment, continuing to walk back and forth. I'm about to open my mouth when she held her hand up, "what am I saying? I practically raised Selwyn and Elira together!" she raised her hands in the air.

She stopped walking and turned to look at me, "I do apologize, for being such a worrisome mother, but you understand me, right?" Queen Veron says holding my hands tightly.

I nodded feeling extremely uncomfortable, how close she was.

"You are definitely your mother's son," she said patting my shoulders, "well, take care!" I nodded and left her greenhouse.


I was riding on my horse behind Elira and Selwyn who were riding their horses ahead of me. We were heading towards Tlom Thicket, the Forest of Trolls.

"I can't believe you convinced her," Elira said looking back at me.

"Well, whatever you said Tristan, thank you," Selwyn said and I nodded.   

I had convinced Queen Veron that I was capable of taking care of Elira, without Ninurta, Chad, Sigmund, and Javier, to the troll forest. Much to her dismay, she agreed. The advantages of being close to Queen Veron. King Aris was in Stigary visiting my Father, so he had no idea that Elira was out of the castle, let alone outside Euria.

After yesterday's discussion, I completely lost trust with all of them. Especially with my brother who was delusional to believe Wise-Altha. I don't understand how they could be so passive with the information he shared.

Elira is in danger and if I had a say, I would lock her up in her bedroom. But I knew Elira, despite everything she's been going through. She still valued the problems of others than her own, and that's why we were in the area of Bethescene to visit the village of trolls, to ask if they knew a solution to Eva's second baby.

Selwyn still knew nothing about what has been happening to his close childhood friend. I wondered what was stopping Elira from telling him. They're extremely close, their relationship was of siblings.

"Elira, I'm really sorry I brought you into this problem," Selwyn said as I watch from the behind.

"Lighten up Selwyn, you're no fun acting all gloomy," Elira said pushing Selwyn's shoulder and he almost fell off.

"What did I say about pushing me when I'm on a horse?!" Selwyn glares at Elira and she just giggles.

Elira, are you really happy?

"You said something about that?" she teases and Selwyn shakes his head, pushing Elira too, "didn't you just say-"

Selwyn whistles and Henry runs faster.

"Oh, you're on! Hiya!" Elira pursues him.

"Come on, Russell," I said patting his neck and he runs as well.

Selwyn was in the lead Elira close behind him. I was closing in with Elira and we were now side by side. For the first time in a while, I saw her smiling from ear to ear as the air passed through her hair.

How could she possibly smile like that knowing all that is happening? It's beyond me.


She looked at me for a moment smiling, did I really want to stop that?

I shake my head, "Nothing."

I felt Russell get tired, knowing he wasn't used to running often, "Let's just rest for a while," I said pulling on his ropes and we stood steady. I watched at Selwyn and Elira running around, having fun. Even the horses looked happy.

As I watch them being happy, I realized why she didn't tell Selwyn, because she knew. She knew he would start being just as protective and worried like everyone who knows about the curse.

Remembering how she cried last night, she needed this, to be free from her worries and I'll let her. Just, for now, I'll try my best not to think she's cursed.

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