Chapter 63: The Analyst

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December 23, 2018

"What do you mean Elira and Selwyn, haven't been talking? Since when?" I stare at Chad, who came to visit me during my magic studies.

"It started when she was engaged, Selwyn became distant," Chad said and I sighed.

"That bastard, I knew he was a weak human, but I didn't expect him to be such a coward," I curl my hands into fists.

"Why didn't Elira tell me this?" I look at Chad.

"Well, you're also someone who doesn't talk to her often ... But that's different she knows you're busy here," Chad said and I sighed.

"How is she?" I asked and he sighed.

"She's in a terrible state, I don't know what to do. She tried to visit Selwyn for his birthday a few weeks ago, she came back crying and locked herself up in her room since then," I just stare at Chad.

I know I was busy, but I didn't realize I was that busy to not be updated with my best friend, "Why am I just hearing this now?" I glared at him.

"I didn't want to bother you and I thought as her brother –"

"You do that, take care of her, I need to visit a human," I said grabbing a robe and walking out of my study.

"Tris –"

"Movere!" I had no patience to walk to the gateway.

"Prince Tristan," the guards saluted

"Tell my Father, I have an important business to attend to," I said and they nodded opening the gate.

I walk for a while until I was at Selwyn's doorstep. I ring the doorbell and the door opens, "Tris –"

My fist collided with his face and he fell on his back.

"Well, hello to you too," he said spitting blood out.

"Get up," I said and he sighed, "I'm not going to hit you again."

He stood up and walked to the kitchen, "I thought you'd come sooner," he said as he brought out an ice pack from his fridge.

"Well, I'm sorry the news about you being a jerk didn't arrive until today," I said and he let out a snicker.

"I'm a jerk huh? That's what she said?" Selwyn placed the ice pack on his face and I sighed.

"Come here," I said and he just stared at me, "I said I won't hit you again."

He sighed but walked near me, "This will feel weird," I place my hand on the spot I hit. I wasn't able to use healing magic like Ninurta, but bruises and wounds were something I could heal, "Also, she didn't say you were a jerk, I did."

"How is it?" I asked walking away from him.

"It's fine. I don't know whether to say thanks or punch you back," he said and I glared at him.

"Whatever. Why are you ignoring her?" I leaned on his countertop crossing my arms.

"I don't understand why you even care, I thought you hate me," he said placing the ice pack in the fridge.

"I don't hate you. I just don't like you," I said and he nodded.

"Still doesn't explain why you're bothered I'm not talking to her," he said as he was about to get a mug out, "Tea?" he asked and I nodded.

"Do you even know why she came to visit you?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter, she has Jivan," he said and I glare at his back as he was preparing tea.

"She's not talking to him," I said and he froze.

He slowly turned around, "What do you mean she's not talking to him?"

"Are you deaf?" I said and he glared at me.

"If you're here to be rude, you should just leave," he said turning back to prepare tea, "I don't need another High Elf or whatever bothering me."

"Is that what you think of Elira? A bother to you?" his shoulders tensed, "You know Selwyn, I may not like you, but I know you care for her, so stop the bullcrap and face me."

He turned around and his face was blank, "I don't get what you elves want from me. You guys come to my house unannounced, you bring me into your world, and you say I'm your friend, but then I'm not good enough for Elira? Because I'm human?" He slammed the jar of sugar he was holding on the counter, "Don't you think that's a bit unfair? You elves act all high and mighty thinking you're never wrong, but you know what, I'm sick and tired of you being in my life. My brother might get in trouble, just because he married an elf and there are these stupid Seelie rules about having a Halfling child or whatever."

I've never seen him so angry.

"Like I said earlier if you're going to be rude and insult me, you better just leave," he said wiping the tears that spilled from his eyes. He continued to make tea.

I will never understand humans.

"I ..." What was I supposed to say? "I'm sorry," I said and he sighed.

He turned around with a smile, handing me a mug of tea, "Apology accepted."

Humans are weird.

"What?" I asked and he glared at me, "Right, thanks."

"That's better, you're welcome," he said and walked to the couch.

I stare at the mug of tea and realized it was the first time I would be drinking human tea.

"You're not mad anymore?" I asked as I walk to the couch sitting down slowly.

"Unlike you elves who can hold grudges for ages. I'm human, I have a short life to live and I rather not live with grudges," he said taking a sip of his tea, "I wasn't sure if you liked sugar in your tea so I just put two teaspoons."

I took a sip and it was alright, "It's good, thanks again."

"See? It's not so bad to talk to me like an equal," he said placing his mug down on the coffee table.

"But we're not –" he gave me a look.

"Right, sorry," was this why Elira liked hanging out with him?

"You're starting to sound like Elira," he said and I chuckled.

"She does tend to apologize a lot," we both chuckled.

"How is she?" he asked.

"That's why I came here, I needed to tell you something," I said.

Elira, please forgive me.

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