Chapter 85: The Analyst

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Jivan was anxious and I didn't even understand why. He walked back and forth, muttering things to himself.

What was I supposed to do?

I sighed and tapped his shoulder, which startled him, "Are you okay?" I raise my eyebrow. He stared at me for a while, as if processing who I was.

"Jivan?" I waved my hand over his face and he shook his head.

He opened his mouth then closed.

"Did you lose the capacity to speak?" I cross my hands over my chest.

He took in a deep breath and I waited for him to speak, "What if she changes her mind? What if she doesn't love me anymore? What if she's confused and actually loves someone else? What if this is a dream? Is this a dream? What if I'm dreaming right now? And none of this is real? What if Elira's still cursed and I just created this in my head? What if you're not real? What if –"

I place my hands on his shoulders, "This is all real, as real as her love for you."

"But what if –" I shake my head.

"Stop creating problems for yourself, everything is fine, everything is normal,  and everything is real," I said smiling at him.

He slowly nodded his head, "Thanks Tris," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't thank me, I was this close to taking advantage of your wedding jitters and steal Elira for myself," I said and he chuckled.

"Now, I know it's definitely real," he smiled, "Just so you know, I never wanted to fight you over Elira."

"It wasn't much of a fight, I let you win," I shrugged and he rolled his eyes.

"I promise you that I will take care of her," he said and shook my head.

"Don't promise, do it," I said and he smiled nodding.

"To your places," Queen Jean said and we lined up for the entourage.

Despite everything that happened between me and Jivan, he chose me as his best man.

Sigmund started to play and I walked on the aisle. It was a short walk and I stood in my post and waited for Jivan, who was walking with his parents.

He smiled as he walked down the aisle. When he reached the end of the aisle, he parted with his parents.

"This is really happening right?" Jivan asked as we both watched the rest of the entourage come in.

"Is it," I said.

"Thank you for agreeing to be my best man," he said.

"I just agreed, because I can't be Elira's," I said and he chuckled, "But thanks for choosing me."

A little troll boy was walking down the aisle with the rings, which meant the flowers girls were next, it meant she was next. The troll boy looked so happy carrying the cushion with the rings. It was the first time at a royal wedding other nations were invited. Elira made sure of that, she wanted nothing but to change the old rules and traditions, one change at the time.

The flower girls consisted of a fairy, an elf, and Catherine a Halfling. They were wearing beautiful dresses designed by Elira.

Catherine was the last flower girl and as she reached the end of the aisle, the music change to Elira's aisle song.

"Let's all stand and welcome, Princess Elira, escorted by King Aris of Euria," every stood on their feet to greet the bride that was going to walk down the aisle in a few moments.

I felt Jivan take in deep breaths.

There she was walking through the white archway that was decorated with various flowers from Elira's own garden. A veil covered her face as she had a bright smile walking down with her Father. She looked left and right, smiling at the guests, and then she looked at me for a moment, it was a brief moment, but it felt like an eternity to me.

For a moment, it felt like she was walking the aisle to marry me. I take a deep breath, remembering that she was marrying Jivan. I would be lying if I wasn't aching inside, if I wasn't still hoping for a miracle, despite that I force a smile. This was her day of happiness, she fought so hard to be here, to be alive. Yesterday, I said all that I wanted to say for a long time and now, I feel at peace. I can finally let her go, I can finally move on from her.

It will take a while, maybe a lifetime, but I will get over her. I feel the tears prick my eyes and as she averted her eyes to Jivan. They were meant to be, they deserved each other, and they are each other's happiness.

Elira reaches Jivan with a wide smile. Jivan greets King Aris and gently took Elira's hand leading to the podium, in front of my father who would wed them. My father glances at me for a moment and I smile, mouthing 'I'll be fine', he nods.

He clears his throat, "Kingdom of Nura, elves, fairies, pixies, dwarves, trolls, and every small or big creature –" the griffins howls, the dragons roar, and the unicorns stomped their hooves, -"we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Princess Elira of Eura and Prince Jivan of Bethescene in marriage."

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