Chapter 30: The Human

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A/N: Seokjin as Selwyn

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Annie!

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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Annie!

Twitter: taennie_1
Instagram: jalnni

Enjoy reading! x


     We were in the middle of the forest when we heard a loud roar.

     "Elira fainted! We have to go back," Tristan said listening to the roar.

"What? What do you mean she fainted?" we ran back to where Elira was left behind.

"I knew she couldn't take it," Tristan said running ahead.

"Tristan what's going on-"

     He stops running and I see Elira lying on the ground the dragon near her.

     "Don't worry, she won't try to kill you anymore," Tristan said looking at Aria.

     I look at Aria who turned her face away from me, I deserve that.

     "Aria, what happened?" Tristan asked the dragon and I walk to Elira.

     I support her head on my lap, she was paler than usual. I've never seen her in such a state. Her breathing was low too. I caress her face. I started to tear up.

     "Elira, don't play games with me! This isn't funny!" I said slightly shaking her body, "Elira, please, please tell me you're joking, please."

     I hold her head close to my chest.

     "You're an elf! You're not supposed to die this easily!" I said pulling her face away from my chest, looking at it. Hoping she'd open her eyes and say she was pranking me and laugh at my face.

     But her eyes were kept closed.

     "Can you help her?" Tristan said.

     I look up to him and the dragon.

     "Don't worry, she won't hurt her," Tristan said walking towards me and Elira. He sat down with me.

     He looked at Aria and she started to blow a strong wind towards us.

     "Aria is a sky-aquatic dragon, she can heal others by creating wind," Tristan said and I watched Elira's body start to glow.

     The color of her skin started to come back.

Elira's chest started to rise and fall, her breathing becoming normal.

     "Elira?" I called.

     She slowly opened her eyes.

     "Selwyn, have you been crying?" she reached for my face, her hand clearly weak.

I held her hand to my face, "Idiot!" I said and she giggled.

"Sorry, did I fall asleep?" she said trying to sit up.

     I started crying more.

     "Fall asleep? Is that what you call that?" I said wiping the tears that kept flowing.

"Yeah, I was kind of tired after fighting Aria," she smiled.

"Stop that! Stop it!" I said and she frowned.


"I thought I lost you!" I can't lose you.

"I'm fine, look I'm fine," she cupped my face and the tears just kept running.

"Elira, I was so scared ..."

"Why? I'm an elf remember, I won't die that easily," she smiled at me.

"You know how I tell you, you're beautiful every day?" I ask and she nods slowly, "it's because I don't want you to forget, I don't want you to forget me."

"Huh? Selwyn what are you talking about I'd never -"

"You're an elf Elira, you don't age and as for me, I'm human. 10 years from now when we're both around 30, you'll still look 20 and soon, I'll die of old age and you'll still be alive and healthy," I said and she started tearing up.

"Selwyn, don't say that you're going to live as long as-"

I shake my head, "You know that isn't true Elira."

"Please, don't say sad such things! I refuse to hear it!" she stood up walking towards the forest.

"Elira," I stood up and she turned around, her eyes filled with tears.

I open up my arms and she ran towards me, I wrapped her in my arms, "I hate you!" she said against my chest.

"Well, I love you," I pulled away to wipe her tears away, "Elira, Princess of the Nura. I've loved you ever since we were young," she continued to cry more.

"I'm sorry, I never told you," I pulled her closer, "but I knew my love was pointless because you're an elf and I'm a human. Also, you're a princess, I knew you couldn't love someone like me."

She pulled away, "What are you talking about? Of course, I would've!" she said pounding on my chest.

"Even so, you're meant to marry someone else," I look towards Tristan and Elira turned to look at him and then at me.

"Selwyn," it hurt to hear her say my name so weakly, "I will never, ever forget you."

     She buried her head in my chest and hugged me tightly.

      "I hope so," I said kissing the top of her head, "but, for now, I will tell you, you're beautiful and don't forget that okay?" we pulled away and she nodded.

"Smile for me?" she smiled and I ruffled her hair, "That's a good girl."

     Elira then walked away to Aria. I walk towards Tristan.

     "You're going to take care of her when I die, right?" I ask and he nods, "I need to hear you say it."

"I will take care of her when you die, I promise Selwyn," he said and I smile.

"Thank you," I then stand by him and we both watch Elira and Aria.

     Elira was petting Aria.

     "Tristan, can I go on a ride for a while?" Elira said looking at us.

"I don't think that's a good-"

I place my hand on Tristan's shoulder, "Let her."

     Tristan looked at me and let out a sigh, but nodded.

     "Aria! Take care of her!" Tristan said and Aria bowed her head.

     We watch Elira climb on Aria.

Aria started flapping her wings and they flew up.

     "You really love her?" Tristan asked as we were staring at them in the sky.

"I really do,"

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