Chapter 58: The Artist

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September 17, 2018

Today was the day, I was going to tell my parents, about everything. I don't know how they'll take it and quite frankly, I don't know if I can handle it, telling them. That's why I requested my grandparents, to be with me as I told them.

"Just explain everything without leaving anything out," Ma said on my left trying to encourage me as we were standing behind the throne room door.

"We'll deal with the aftermath, but you have to be the one to say it," Pa said on my right.

I take a deep breath and opened the throne room doors, "Mother? Father?" my mother said surprised to see her parents.

"Hello," Ma said as she walked to mother to hug her, "How have you been?"

"I don't know if you know that, but your granddaughter is a handful," Mother said and Ma chuckled.

"Oh I know," Ma smiled and I had an awkward smile.

"Where's that husband of yours?" Pa said looking around.

"He's watching over the army training, but he'll be over in a moment, do you guys have to discuss something?" Mother asked. Ma looks at me.

"Your daughter does," Ma said giving me an encouraging smile.

"Let's wait for Father," I said and they all nodded.


Instead of discussing in the throne room, we all gathered in the dining room, it felt more overwhelming. The table was empty, no food to distract anyone from what I was about to say.

"I know that you've noticed that I haven't been in the best condition," I started. Deep breaths.

They are your parents you're talking to, Elira. But then, they are my parents I'm talking to.

"We're aware, but we know you're just training hard," Mother said and I shook my head.

Ma holds my hand giving it a squeeze, "I'm not fine."

I've been lightly joking around with the boys saying I'm cursed in front of them like it was just another random fact about me. As if my life wasn't in danger, as if I wasn't on the verge of death at any moment. Suddenly it felt like the first time I was cursed.

The feeling of being in denial, the disbelief that I was dying, it was all coming back to me.

"Elira, I'm afraid you have to be more specific," Ma said and I nodded.

I know, I know, but saying the words I'm cursed, isn't that easy. Should I say I'm dying? Am I suffering? I'm –

"I'm cursed," I stare at the table the tears fall, "It happened three months ago. It was the day when I fainted coming back from the human realm, the first of many times I've gone unconscious and lied about it. I'm sorry," I said and I felt it.

The tension, the anger, the confusion, "What are you talking about, how could you be cursed?!" Father said I winced at the tone of his voice, "We've been watching over you, you're guarded at all times. This isn't the time for foolish games, Elira."

I clench my fists, "This isn't a game Father. I am cursed. It's Mavetmulor," I look up at him and his face turned blank.

Mother started to tear up, "How are you –"

"How am I alive?" I laughed dryly, "It's a long story, so you have to listen."

After explaining every painful detail about the past three months. The daily effects of the curse in my life, the struggles of keeping it all a secret, the sleepless nights of feeling paranoid if I'll wake up the next day, the fake smiles that I had to put up. My parents were crying as they hugged me telling me, that they apologized if they ever dampened my mood making things worst.

"I'm fine, I've been fine for the past three months, and I'm alive after all, right?" I tried to joke which earned me a well-deserved hit to the head by Ma, "I'm sorry for keeping this from you."

I was crying as well, but somehow, I was happy. Maybe it was because, now I didn't have to pretend to anyone anymore, everyone I loved knew my secret and it was for the better. Everyone except for Selwyn, I'll deal with him next time.

"I'm so proud of you," Mother said cupping my face, "You're so strong, my beautiful sunflower," I cry harder hearing a nickname I haven't heard for such a long time, telling them I was cursed brought us closer.

"Those boys, have been taking care of you this whole time?" Father asked surprised, "I'll have to talk to them."

"Father," I said and he smiled.

"No more secrets," Mother said and I nodded. She brought me into a hug.

"If you're done crying now, let's all go out for a walk. The sadness in this room is seriously not good for Elira's heart," Ma said and we chuckled.

Maybe this is why even when I was cursed, I wasn't too afraid, because I wasn't alone. I had them, my crazy family.

Whatever happens, I'll get through it, with them by side, and I believe it.

A/N: Things are working out.

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