Chapter 59: The Knight

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October 19, 2018

     I, Sigmund and Ninurta, were in the throne room to discuss with Elira's parents. Javier was out with his Father. Which he was doing often lately, we were thinking it was his way to move on from Elira. But we didn't pay much attention to his whereabouts.

Elira had told her parents a month ago about the curse. Queen Veron, and King Aris was furious, but at the end were relieved to know how she's still alive after 3 months of being cursed.

Queen Veron and King Aris were too busy for the past month to meet with us and today was the only day they could finally talk with us.

      "First of all I want to commend you all for keeping our daughter alive for this long," Queen Veron said, "But we are disappointed that none of you took the initiative to tell us."

"Sorry, your majesty," we all said.

"You're all forgiven, but from now on, we have to know absolutely everything, is that clear?" King Aris said and we nodded.

"I also want to praise you for upholding our daughter's orders. You have definitely proven your loyalty to the throne," Queen Veron added, "But on to serious matters. Are there any updates as to who is behind this?"

     Ninurta did most of the explaining with the permission of Tristan. He couldn't be present due to being the heir of Stigary. They agreed to continue keeping the knowledge about her curse, within our group alone.

     "Queen Malvolia, I see," King Aris said, "For decades it's been rumored that she's been ruling over the drows in Death Forest, but we have no solid proof."

We look at each other confused, "You've been aware of such a person still being alive?" Sigmund asked.

King Aris nodded, "Now that we are aware, that she is alive, I'm sure you know how important it is to keep an eye on Elira?" we all nodded.

"May I ask your plans regarding Prince Jivan?" I asked.

"We will respect our daughter's wishes, but I was hoping you'd convince her to talk to him," Queen Veron said.

"We will try our best, your Highness,"

"You are dismissed," King Aris said and we bowed. We all walked out of the throne room.

"Who's guarding Elira, right now?" Sigmund asked. Ninurta and I looked at each other, "Are you telling me no one's guarding Elira at this moment?"

We all hurriedly walked up the stairs to Elira's bedroom, "Elira?" Ninurta went in and we didn't see Elira in her room.

     I saw a piece of paper on her bed.

Note: I went for a walk, I'm with Cassidy.

     "Cassidy is with her," I said and Sigmund looks at me, I gave Ninurta the note.

"She doesn't even act like she's cursed, does she?" Sigmund sighed as Ninurta passed him the note.

"I'm sure she's aware of her actions," I said, but I was just as worried.

"Ninurta, you wait here until she comes back, Chad you wait at the gate and I'll talk to guards to see if they know where she went," I follow Sigmund out of the bedroom and grabbed his wrist.

"When was the last time you slept?" I asked and he stared at me blankly, "You need to sleep."

I kept holding his wrist tightly dragging him to his room, "Chad, I don't have time to sleep," Sigmund said trying to take my hand off him.

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