Chapter 88: The Princess

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The Aisle

     My arms were around my Father's as I walk down the aisle, to marry one man, to marry Jivan. I felt excited, I felt ecstatic, and I felt joyful.

Walking down the aisle, I see the faces of people I've come to love and know, they have helped me grow to who I am today. They are all precious in my eyes and they are all dear to my heart. I try my best to look at everyone I cared about, my grandparents, my mother, and my closest friends. As I meet Ninurta, Selwyn, Sigmund, Javier, and Tristan's gazes, I felt whole. They would always have a special part in my heart.

And then I look at Jivan and my heart starts to pound in my chest in anticipation, I'm finally marrying him. After making him wait, after making him go through difficult moments, here I am walking towards him, to promise to live my days and nights with him until I parted from the world.

     My father whispers in my ear as I reach Jivan, "Live happily," he said and I smiled at him, nodding. Father and Jivan greeted each other, and then Father parted and went to stand beside Mother, who was smiling proudly at me.

     Jivan and I walk towards King Scirocco.

I'm marrying someone who I love, someone who makes me happy.

The Vows

     Jivan finished his vows and I was tearing up, "How am I supposed to top that?" I said and everyone chuckles, "You have always been amazing with words, thank you," I said and Jivan nodded, "But I guess it's my turn," I take a deep breath.

"I didn't prepare anything, I'm still a reckless and careless girl everyone knows," I said and he shook his head at me smiling, "I've always been unsure of things in life, I just wanted to be free from everything, I didn't want rules or traditions to tie me down. I thought marriage was one of those things I didn't want for me, thinking it wasn't for me, but ..." I look towards the audience for a moment and then back at Jivan, "Today, in front of all these people, I'm declaring something that I'm finally sure of," I held his hands tightly looking at his eyes.

"Prince Jivan of Bethescene, the person who gave me a new definition of what freedom is. You showed me a whole different world that I want to explore, but I can't do that without you. There's no one else I want to be with on this podium, declaring my whole life to. You're the only person, I want to see before I sleep and when I wake up, every moment from now on, I want you to be part of it. All the crazy adventures, all the new experiences, I want you to be there by my side. When life gets hard and I'm back to not being sure of things, I promise, that I'll always be sure of one thing. That's my love for you, that grows each passing day, in every season it will not wither, it will continue to grow, even in the harshest of winters, my love will bloom and give you warmth. I love you," I smiled and he grinned.

Everyone applauses and the animals roar, "The rings," King Scirocco says and Evan the little troll boy approaches us with the cushion where our rings lay.

It was the same rings from our engagement, but this time it had our names engraved in each other's rings, "I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness. As I place it on your finger, I commit my heart and soul to you. I ask you to wear this ring as a reminder of the vows we have spoken today, our wedding day," Jivan said as he put the ring on my finger, I smiled at him.

I took his ring and held his hand, "I have for you a golden ring. The most precious metal symbolizes that your love is the most precious element in my life. The ring has no beginning and no end, which symbolizes that the love between us will never cease. I place it on your finger as a visible sign of the vows which have made us husband and wife," I said putting it on his finger.

"You may now kiss the bride," King Scirocco says and Jivan smiles as he took off my veil.

"May I?" Jivan asks and I giggled, I nodded.

He cups my face, I close my eyes and our lips meet. It was a slow and sweet kiss, "Princess Elira and Prince Jivan of Nura!" King Scirocco said and I smile into the kiss.

     Cheers, all round is heard, but my mind was only on Jivan.

     He pulled away and we smiled at each other, we faced everyone holding our hands together, "Long Live Princess Elira and Prince Jivan!" they cheered.

     My eyes roam around to see everyone smiling at me and Jivan. Some with tears in their eyes, but most just had proud smiles.

     We walked down the aisle together, flower petals and pixies dust in thrown on us. I grinned looking at Jivan, "I love you," he said.

"I love you too,"

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