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POV: Sam

"Mommy! It's time to go to Uncle K's house! We're gonna have a nerf gun fight!" Teagan yelled and I shot up out of bed and immediately regretted my actions. The pain in my head pulsed throughout my body quickly and I blocked the sun from shining in my face with my hand.

"Hold on Teag, I've gotta get ready. Go to the living room and turn on cartoons and I'll be out there in a second." I mumbled as I wiped my eyes.

She nodded and ran out of my room.

My feet swiveled to the side of the bed and I just sat there with my palms flat on the mattress for a good minute staring at the last of the white powder in my bag which means I need to make another run today. Great.

I slid some jogger sweatpants and a sweatshirt before lacing up my sneakers and heading out to see Teagan with her eyes glued to the tv.

My coffee maker automatically makes coffee at seven in the morning, so it was already ready for me to pour in a cup and add a boost to it.

I poured the liquor in the cup as if it were creamer before throwing the liquor bottle back in the mini fridge and clicking the padlock back.

"Let's go kiddo!" I smiled at her as she shot up off the couch. After her being with my mom when I go on tour, she has become quite the independent girl. She gets dressed in matching clothes every morning as well as brushing and braiding her own hair, and brushing her teeth. She's definitely my kid.

We started to walk out of the house with my truck keys in hand, but before I could even get out the front door I got a text from the one and only, Demi Lovato. Great.

Demi: So you went and got your shoulder patched up, right?

I groaned. I don't need another mother. I already have one.

Me: Yes

I lied as I watched Teagan play with her soccer ball that she keeps in the front yard. She started to pass it back and forth to me while I texted Demi.

Demi: Take a picture and prove it.

Demi knew I was lying, but I'm not about to give up.

Me: My camera doesn't work on my phone. I broke it on my last tour.

I smirked to myself. That is a pretty damn good lie if you ask me.

Demi: Well I guess I'll just have to come see it myself.

Demi responded and I whispered a slur of cuss words as I walked with Teagan's hand in mine to my truck after kicking the ball aside so she knew it was time to leave.

Me: I'm not at the house currently.

Which is true. I'm outside of it.

Demi: Then I'll wait in your driveway till you get back.

I could tell she was smirking. She knew I was lying.

Me: I won't be back for awhile.

Demi: I've got time.

Me: So you're telling me that you are going to wait several hours in my driveway?

Demi: No, I'm telling you that you need to get your ass to your house so I can see the hole in your arm because I know you're lying Sam.


Me: I am not lying.

Demi: Right, I'll see you soon.

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