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POV: Max

"Demi, open the door before I kick it down." I have been trying to coax Demi out of the kitchen for the past thirty minutes. Glass bottles have been thrown from what I can hear, and I can't afford to wait any longer.

"Where is Sam? She can get her out." Kelsey asked me for the fifth time.

"I don't know Kelsey. Go look." I suggested as I tried to rattle the door knob again. She must've barricaded it.

"Sam can go fuck off. She can go f-fuck Wilmer like she w-was about to." Demi slurred from the other side of the door.

"What?" Kelsey and I asked in unison.

"Sam and Wilmer were g-getting heated in the janitor's closet on the north wing. I don't want to see her again." Demi's voice cracked in pain here and there.

"Sam is as gay as it gets." Kelsey whispered to me.

"I know, but Demi obviously saw something. Go find Sam." I nodded in the direction of the north wing and Kelsey booked it without second thought.

"D-don't look f-for her. You'll just find a m-mess." Demi's words were barely audible and I could barely pick out what she was saying, due to her being drunk I assume. Six years she's been Sober.

"Demi, open the door. It's just me. No one else." I begged Demi as I back up from the door.

"No!" Demi cried and it killed me. I've been working with Demi for years, so you become very attached to who you protect.

I took a deep breath before kicking the door. The hinges started to budge, but whatever she put in front of the door didn't.

"Go away God damnit!" She's pissed.

I kicked the door again, and the door came off of the hinges, but a bookshelf or something was in front of the doorframe. "Demi, back up!" I yelled before kicking the shelf and it fell over.

Demi's makeup was all the way down her face. In one hand she had a bottle of beer, and in the other she had hard liquor. "Leave me alone!" Demi begged.

"Demi, this isn't you. Come here." I opened up my arms for her, and she contemplated coming to me for a second.

I watched her grip on the neck of the bottles loosen before she dropped them on the tile flooring which caused them to shatter.

I opened my arms wider for her and she ran to me and wrapped her arms around me. She reeked of alcohol.

"She cheated Max." Demi clutched onto my suit jacket like her life depended on it.

"Don't focus on that right now. Focus on me. Focus on how incredible you did tonight. You completed another tour." I did my best to comfort her, but it is my job to kick ass.

"I can't focus on anything but her Max." She looked up at me and her eyes were red from the amount of crying she has done.

"It's going to be okay Demi. I'll make sure of it."


POV: Sam

"Where the fuck am I?" I asked myself as I looked around some pitch black room. I started to notice a sting of pain in the back of my neck. My hands reached behind me to push myself up, but some kind of chains stopped them from even touching the ground.

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