Not Sure

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POV: Demi

"You love her." Kelsey said for the fifth time this minute.

"No I don't!" I slightly snapped and she rolled her eyes.

"Oh please, you are practically drooling whenever she is around." Kelsey teased.

I playfully pushed her. We were both sitting on the couch watching American Sniper. Yes, the movie I didn't want to watch because I don't want to know what Sam faces because it scares me, but my curiosity got me.

My phone buzzed and moved a little across the coffee table. I smiled at the thought of it being Sam.

"Whipped." Kelsey coughed in attempt to hide her comment.

"Bite me," I groaned.

I reached for my phone, and sure enough Kelsey bit my arm.

"I hate it when you do that. It's a figure of speech." I sighed before unlocking my phone to see who texted me. I'm sure Kelsey could tell that it was Sam when she saw my face light up.

"Ooo, what did she say? I wanna know!" Kelsey looked over my shoulder and practically sat on my lap so she could see my phone screen.

"She literally only said 'hey', calm your tits."

"No, she said 'hey' with a heart emoji." Kelsey smirked at me and I heard Max lightly laugh to himself in the chair next to the couch. His eyes were still glued to the tv though. "You should let me text her back."

"No," I answered shortly as I responded to Sam's text.

"Why not? It will be fun!"

I got up and went to the bathroom, so I could have five seconds of peace.

Kelsey's quick footsteps approached the bathroom door, so I quickly locked it before sitting on the kitchen counter.

"Dems," Kelsey groaned from the other side of the door.

"Just give me five seconds of peace please." I begged with a sarcastic chuckle hinting at me being on the verge of snapping. I get like this sometimes.

Quiet footsteps faded, and I took a deep breath before looking down at my phone to see what Sam texted back.

Sam: What are you doing from six to nine tonight?

I bit my lip slightly. I want to just text back nothing now, but I don't want to sound like a lifeless loser. Wait, I'm Demi Lovato and I have a life. A complicated life, but still a life.

My thumbs fought as I debated on what to respond with. Kelsey and I aren't doing anything today other than watching movies and I cannot watch the rest of American Sniper anyways. I watched the part where he broke down and called his wife saying he wanted to go home and I had to look away from the screen.

I took a deep breath before responding with a simple 'nothing.'

She responded almost immediately and heat rushed to my cheeks in response.

Sam: Great! Be ready at six. Wear something you can move in.

What in the hell is she planning on?


POV: Sam

"I invited Demi, but it would be best for us to go ahead and split up for teams so we don't slaughter them and make them never want to play again. Yale and I are team captains." All of my guys were helping me finish building Teagan's play set. Some parts require someone holding up a beam while another drills the screws into place, so I needed their help.

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